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3 weeks later

"Bye!" Jack calls from downstairs. "I'm going to hang with Johnson. I'll be back later!"

"Okay," I call back, turning the volume up on the bedroom tv.

This is the norm in the house now. Jack leaves to go to the club at night, even if he claims he's hanging out with Johnson, leaving me here to drown in my own thoughts and worries. Sometimes I worry about my husband, his drunken state that wobbles into the bedroom at midnight. I know it's a side effect to Dakota's disappearance, the knowledge of that doesn't take rocket science.

I pick up my phone, and text Lia. Maybe she'll be able to distract me tonight. Possibly we could go to Las Vegas or something.

M: hey, what r u up to 2night?

After a few minutes my phone vibrates in my hands, notifying me that a text has been sent in.

L: I'm staying w my mum atm😁 sorry, very busy

M: it's alright, tell me when ur free... I need a distraction

Setting my phone back down, my vision becomes blurry. Then, my phone rings. My manager shows up on the caller ID.

"Hey, Madison!" He says, quite enthusiastically.


"Listen, I am so so sorry about Dakota. I'm sure she'll turn up soon, she's gotta be somewhere."

"Thanks, I'm hoping the same thing."

"But the main reason I called was to ask if you wanted to come into the studio tomorrow? Maybe get your mind off of things," he suggests.

"Sure," I respond after a minute. "I'll be in at noon."

"Great! I'll see you then."

"Okay. Thank you, bye."

The perfect distraction, singing can always help me relax.


I park the black Jeep on the curb, right in front of the door to the studio. For some reason my mood seems airy, happy in a way. Despite everything that's happened.

My manager meets me at the door, smiling as he gently pushes it open a bit for me.

"Thank you," I smile, grabbing the door handle and swinging the rest of it open.

"No problem, let's get started!"

I follow him into the dim room I so badly have missed, the recording studio waiting for my presence.

"Go ahead," he smiles, waving his hands.

I giggle, and quickly say hello to my other buddies who sit in the studio with me, they go over music and such when I finish a single. But finally I get to my microphone and I look out the small secret window in the roomy space, searching for some kind of inspiration to hit me. I grab my headphones and slip them on, listening for the beat that's all set up.

Suddenly I hear my voice fill the room, lyrics flowing from my mouth like the simple action of breathing. I keep my eyes glued to the window. My gaze drifts to a woman wearing a hat and dark sunglasses, walking to her white SUV. She unlocks it, opens the door, and sits down into the drivers seat without closing the door. I can see a glimpse of what's inside, the center console holding a coffee cup from Starbucks, as well as a sippy-cup covered in animal stickers. The thought of the purple cup and stickers reminds me of Dakota, she loved stickers. So very much.

I look away, afraid that my voice will catch. But my eyes dart back, remembering Dakota had been drinking from the same cup at the show. The lady who got in the car slams the door, speeding right off.

My stomach receives a dropping feeling, Dakota. Everything in my mind tells me it's her, and I have to find her soon.

Adopted by Madison • Madison Beer + J&JUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum