Chapter 3

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I was watching her while she was sleeping. I always like listening with her snore. Weird habit of mine, that before,  we used to stay on call for almost a day. We were taking our nap together and just hearing her breathing and snoring it's making me sleep good. I don't really like sleeping so that's why whenever she's around I always try to sleep more coz I don't want her worrying too much. Now she's here. In my arms sleeping like a baby. "HMM...let's see what can a marker do.."said my other side with an evil plan. Reaching to my drawer beside my bed I took a marker and slowly and deliberately started drawing on her face biting my lip not to laugh hard. She moved a little when I was putting hearts on both sides of her cheeks. I was trying to stop myself from shaking coz I really wanted to laugh now. Now on the forehead, I put the initials LLWC. Damn. This is so funny! I could have a broken bones for this later. But OH well, I will enjoy every bit of it. LOL. Yeah, you just don't know how crazy I am. 

     Finally done with my masterpiece, I slowly climbed off the bed so as not to wake her up. I should make breakfast for us. Planting a soft kiss on her lips, I started heading out the door and went to the kitchen. Not really sure she wants a heavy meal in the morning but ham and eggs might do. I put on coffee in the process. I remember she likes it with cream and no sugar. I can't stop smiling and singing while preparing everything when an idea came to me. Running back upstairs, I grab my phone and put it on its speaker. I set the alarm for 15 minutes and chose the song "Good morning beautiful". When I'm sure she was still asleep and went back downstairs again. Crap. A flower would have complete it but I don't have time now.

     The table was all set and just waited for her. When I heard the song playing, I waited for it to finish and composed a text message for her. (Hun please come downstairs). I haven't got any reply from her but I heard her footsteps coming. I wonder if she had seen it yet. When I saw her finally there it answered my question and started laughing. My cute girl just stood there confused and frowning. "What the hell are you laughing at Mister?" she said with a crossing arms in front. Trying to catch my breathe I just said, "UHMM...nothing?" and started laughing again when I suddenly got shut up by a sweet lips. "There. That shut you up then." she said with a smirk. Still a bit shocked, I just stupidly nodded. She knows I was still affected. "WOO breakfast! Shall we eat hun?" the devil small person said. Shaking my head, I said "Yep hun. Not really sure what you want for breakfast so I just made this." "Awww, its OK hun I eat almost anything especially when I'm not the one cooking. You're too sweet you know." Bekz said. "Only for you hun. But I just want to say sorry in advance." I told her with an innocent face. She was about to say something when the door opened. "I knew I always got reliable nose instincts! See where it brought me. Good morning people I'm here now so lets eat breakfast!" Great. The uninvited food monster arrived. Just great.

 "Non humans are not allowed in here. That means you." Going towards the breakfast crasher guy. "Hey now! Too early in the morning and you're so unwelcoming. You are breaking my heart brother." he dramatically added. Rolling my eyes I told him, "I only made for two people. There's not enough food for you. You should try learning how to cook for yourself." "Cool! You really love me huh you made breakfast for the two of us. I know you got some use brother." he said like he haven't heard me. GAH!!! This guy is impossible. I'm warning you all, if you ever meet this guy you better watch out. "LOL dadz! A good morning to you too." said Bekz who finally decided to join in. "Hello ba--hahahaha!" I was too focused on kicking out the pest guy that I had forgotten my artwork on Bekz's face that he started laughing when he saw her. "Hollyfudgingshoes!!! Is that how devoted you are on your monkey boyfriend that you still needed to do that?" said Xander who was now having a teary-eyed from laughing. "Grrrrr!!!! What are you talking about??!!" said the now frustrated Bekz. UH-oh...retreat. Retreat. "Lester?" OPSS. Busted. "Yes hun?" I said not sure what to do.

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