Chapter 6

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The following night was rather hilarious. The guys challenged me. Vince was the one who did actually. He wanted to see how I race, so I obliged him by borrowing Xander's bike. Shocking...yes I know! A girl on a motorcycle, much less ready and willing to race anyone and that included guys. I had lots of fun that night. 

It was not about to last, my good mood here. In the middle of that evening I got a text from one of my cousins, the closest one to me Jake. He was informing me that they couldn't find his sister Harlee. She left the bar and disappeared earlier that night. She didn't make it back to the safe house where she'd been staying and they had found her car on the side of the road abandoned. This I knew was going to kill Xander, well not literally but you get the point. He would be so upset. I would definately have to talk him out of not going to New York tonight, or trying to at least.

Instead of telling Les right away like I normally would have, I put my anger into my driving. I know it's dangerous, but hell I didn't care then I was mad as hell. Something was telling me that her ex Shaun had something to do with this. I would kill him if I ever got the chance. He had put Harlee through so much in the time she was with him. Yes I had been through some rough stuff too, but not by someone who told me they loved me. When I would get beaten it was always hate filled, not love filled.

I beat the next person who came up to the line easily I might add. LOL. Then while I was waiting to see if anyone else would challenge me I made a quick phone call to someone who owed me a favor. "Hey there Jay, can you do me one and find Shaun for me. Don't kill him.....yet. I may need info from him. Yeah Harlee came up missing tonight. Not sure....yeah okay then. Thanks Jay....yes of course, your free now." I laughed as I hung up. That was easy I thought. Now back to racing. Grinning evily I looked around to see if anyone else was up for it.

When we got back to Les' house it was just the two of us. I decided then to tell my boyfriend what was going on. "Hun, please don't say anything to Xander right now but Harlee went missing tonight. She left the bar to head home but didn't make it. They found her car on the side of the road abandoned. The car was totally trashed on the inside but the outside wasn't touched. They aren't saying it but I know Shaun was involved. I am going to go crazy until she comes back okay." He hugged me as my body was now shaking. Not in fear for once but in anger. I wished Shaun dead then.

That night as we lay in bed a feeling came over me. It was strange and foreign to me, not like anything I had felt before. I whispered in Les' ear as he watched tv next to me. Turning he asked, "Are you sure hun? I'm not going to rush you." I nodded. "Yes I'm sure."  That night my boyfriend and I made love for the first time. It was special and everything I wanted it to be. The time for me was perfect, it couldn't have been better. Main reason being is because it wasn't planned out but on a spur of the moment decision for me.


 Evening came and I called the guys a party won't be much of a good idea for Bekz, so I suggested we can just bring her at the tracks again which I think she would enjoy. It had been an exciting night for us. I fell in love with that girl more seeing how badass of a racer she is. Vince got picked on by us when he tried challenging her and she beat him so easily. But when I saw she's getting too fast on our next race, I figured she's pissed. I saw how she looked and it was like she's wearing her dangerous that could kill look. Now something's not right here... I was on the same line with her and she maneuvered her bike passed me. At the end of the line, I saw her having a phone call and that's where I saw an evil smirk forming her lips. HMM...something is really up here and I shall find out no matter what.

     When we got home at my house, my question had been answered. She told me about what happened to Harlee (her cousin) and that her ex might be involved on it. She's right that Xander would really be devastated about this when he hear what happened. I understand how upset she is right now. Her cousin Harlee had been like a mother/sister/friend to her. So we both agreed we should take it easy and see how things are going before we finally tell Xander coz we both know how he acts instantly not even thinking well. 

     It was not that late yet so we went to watch tv for a while when she went whispering on me the shocking news. Yes I know I'm a guy and we got needs too. But ever since meeting her, it's all different for her. I vowed that I would be waiting for her whenever she will be ready. And I think the time has finally come. "Are you sure hun? I don't want to rush you" I asked her to make sure. "Yes hun I'm sure." she answered with a blush on her face. And so, that night had been awesome! Still hard to believe it but YES! We had our first making love after all the wait. LOL.

   When morning came, I woke up with a smile that I can't even erase and I think it was the same on her too. She was like blooming today. I hope she had fun like I did...

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