Chapter 19

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The day had come to begin preparations for moving. It was also the day before Les planned on visiting me. He was going to be in for a shock. Not only was I going to tell him about the farm in Illinois that I bought, but that I was planning on moving there within the next couple of weeks. I also wanted to take him out there and show him around. I knew he would love it even if he had always been a "city boy".  That day at work was rather slow so I got an idea. I asked Tracy if it would be okay with her if I took Honey and Serenity out on one of the smaller trails closer to the main farm. She thought that was a great idea. She even offered to help by either leading Honey or the baby for me since I planned on just leading them both since it would be easier to reassure both of them then if I was up on Honey's back. I wasn't sure if Honey had ever been on a trail either so didn't know how she was going to react. The baby was too young yet to pony, which means to lead while riding another horse, so that was out anyhow.

They did great the whole hour we were out there. I didn't want to take much longer because Serenity being a baby needed to nurse often. Both of them had been very quiet walking through the trails, even leading them through the woods hadn't spooked either of them and I was shocked. Tracy I think was falling in love with little miss Serenity. She couldn't believe that she was half Paint (by her mommy Honey of course) and half Gypsy Vanner by her father. It wasn't because you couldn't tell, but just that she was surprised that the people would have been so careless leading a stallion off of a trailer where there were mares around, much less mares in heat. But she did admit how beautiful she thought my little girl was.

Today is the day! Les is coming to visit. I can't wait to see him. I've missed that man like I never thought I could miss anyone again. He has most definitely wormed his way into my heart and soul. I was hoping like heck that he would fall in love with my new home. It really was my dream come true. It was my own piece of paradise and I believed that I deserved it after all I had gone through to get here. I was waiting for him to get off the plane. I wanted to jump up and down I was so excited. I felt like a little kid in a toy shop on Christmas day. 

Finally I saw him walking toward me. As soon as he cleared the security gates I ran toward him and threw my arms around his neck planting a big kiss on his lips. I think I shocked him much because he even stumbled back a step and a half. I had the biggest smile on my face. "Hi hun." I said to which I got the same reply. We walked over to get his bags off the carousel. Of course out of habit my hand reached for his. I loved this man so very much. He was my entire world right now. I couldn't wait to show him off.

I brought Les back to the house I shared with my friend and her kids. Mel was just getting ready to head out to work which I had already known. The girls were eating lunch at the kitchen table. Of course as soon as little Carly saw me she wanted me. I walked over to her since she was attempting to get down from her stool. Mel and I had just packed away her high chair and put her in one of the stools at the big table. She was just getting used to it and I didn't want her to fall off the stool because she was excited to see me. Les was grinning at the sight of Carly. It had been out joke for a while that she was "our" baby girl. I always send him pictures of her and videos of the cute things she does.

When the girls finished lunch I washed Carly up and helped her off the stool. She went right over to Les and hugged him. I was thinking how sweet that was when I looked up into my boyfriends eyes. I knew he loved kids although we hadn't really talked about having our own yet. I began wondering if he wanted to have kids some day. I planned to ask him that very question later that night. He was going to be staying here at the house with us of course. Mel had told me she didn't care. We had finally gotten the girls used to the new house and they were starting to sleep in their own room. Since they were both young Mel had put them in a room together for the time being. I told her it was a good plan since most of the time at night they had spent with me and I had noticed those two cuddling with each other in the middle of the night while they were both sound asleep. I found it so cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2013 ⏰

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