Chapter 15

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My visit with Les had only begun, it was my second day there and I was waiting for him to get out of class. Hr had planned taking me to the mall afterward so I was looking forward to it. It was a typical hot tropical day. I was wearing a light green spaghetti strap tank top and a white pair of jean shorts with brown sandals. I kept most of my hair down despite the heat because Les liked my hair. Waiting for him was rather boring so I used my new international phone to see what was happening on finding the crazy person. Knowing that Jake would not tell me anything even if he knew, I decided on Nick as the best option, so texted him first.

"Hey there, any news?" I knew I wouldn't have to say any more and he would understand. I waited for him to reply, but while I did I caught up on my emails using the laptop and a very irratic wifi signal from the place I was staying at. It was about fifteen minutes before I saw my phone light up just before it beeped, saying there was a text. Glancing at the screen I saw it was from Les ...not who I was waiting for, but I smiled regardless. 

Texting him back with, "Hun! Bout time you got out of class. How much longer til I see you again?" He replied instantly with a smiley face and a LOL. My classic bf. "Just got out of class, I should be home in a couple minutes." Smiling even though he couldn't see it I had to reply. "That's great! Can't wait to see you hun." It was true of course. I had become so very much in love with this man the thought of being away from him hurt a deep part of me. I tried not to think about that much though, or the fact he was going to be here for the next six months. Ugh!! Too long in my opinion, but it was his choice and he was doing great in the school here.

Finally I saw Les coming toward the building and I couldn't help myself I ran toward him. Throwing my arms around his neck I pushed up on tiptoes to kiss his lips. Man... I had missed him! Smiling as he pushed me gently away, "Did someone miss me that much?" He was joking of course which made me smile wider. "Of course I did. Class took too long today, you should really skip tomorrow." I winked at him, knowing full well that he had the next day off. That made him break out in a laugh, shaking his head at me because he knew that I knew he had the next day free of classes. 

We headed toward the mall that he had been talking about since he arrived here in the Phillipines. Well more exactly this exact location in the Phillipines. As we walked around the mall I noticed a bunch of girls eyeing us. Recognizing one or two of them from his dorm I frowned in their general direction. This was my man they could get their own. My brain was ready to do battle of course. 'Stupid chicks think they got something I don't. I dare them to come after him. I will rip them to shreds.' I smiled for no reason and then glanced quickly at Les to see if he noticed. Phew! He hadn't. Deciding to push my brain to the back corner and ignore the gawking girls I continued on my way with the best boyfriend ever. OK OK, that's my opinion but whatever. (rolling eyes here people). 

It was eventually time for him to get back to the dorm so we once more had to go our seperate ways. As I walked him back, my hotel of sorts wasn't very far from there and his dorm was closer than that to the mall. We reached the dorm and I noticed two of the girls from the mall sitting outside with a group of others, both guys and girls thankfully or I would get rather upset since they were all eyeing us. Majority of the girls were definetely checking out my man though and I would have to make it clear that he was taken. Turning to face him I kissed him with more passion than I ever have before. I know he was shocked by the look on his face when we finally unlocked lips. "See you tomorrow hun, and I shall text you later." I said with a smile before watching him walk inside and I turned to go away. I noticed envy on one of their faces and smiled to myself.

A couple of more days and it was time for me to pack back up and head out to Hawaii. Nick was suppose to be meeting me there, but I didn't tell Les that. I know I should have, but part of me knew he'd be jealous so I didn't. It's not like I saw Nick for anything more than an older brother, which pretty much is what he would have been to me if Brai and I had still been together and if Brai was alive. I was still sad and angry at what he did. Nor could I believe he would do it, but it's better to let it go than face his family on it.

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