Chapter 13

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The next few weeks went by rather slow. Nick told me that he would handle most of the thing with Shaun so that I would stay "clean" for Les.  I knew that he was looking out for me as he always had and I respected him for that. It shocked me when out of the blue Nick mentioned that I should go visit Les and get things off my mind for a while. A part of me wondered if he had found something and didn't want me around to know about it. But then again the idea of seeing Les again was way too tempting. I vowed to check with Les and see what his thoughts were on the matter.

That night (Les' morning) I asked him about it when I texted him. Of course he thought it was a good idea. He couldn't wait to show me around there. I had to smile with the sudden enthusiasm he had. It made me smile that much more to know I was making him even happier by doing this.

I hadn't heard from Xander in days after I told him about Har. It was killing me knowing that he was hurting and wouldn't tell me. It made me more sad to think that I may be the undoing of his happiness of late. Xander had recently gotten together with a woman and he had been real happy. I was hating myself thinking that now because I had told him about Har that he was sad again. I even at one point thought that it was going to come to where it was pushing him and this other woman apart. But lucky for me that wasn't the case. 

I began planning my trip to the Phillipines to see Les. I made sure that everything was in order that I would need to go and also that things at work would be okay while I was away. I had been recently thinking of moving in with a friend of mine when she got a new house, but as I began thinking about it more I decided to wait. I really did want my own place, but wasn't sure if anyone would sell to a young girl like me. That was the only downfall of doing everything young in life. I was going to worry about that when I got back from my little vacation. I wanted to enjoy every second I spent with Les and really make it count this time around.

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