Chapter 12

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Well it's been a while since Les went to the Phillipines, he has started taking his college classes and we talk a little less than before. There are days when I get depressed and wonder if he's with another girl, but then my mind straightens out and I realize he is not that kind of guy.

Les was in class the day I got the worst news ever since my best friend killed himself. My cousin's Damon and TJ showed up at the stable where I work and it made me wonder what was going on. They don't normally both come at the same time t talk. Other than Jake TJ has the most calming effect on me so when he looked all serious and asked me to sit down I knew something was wrong. 

Finally Damon spoke after what seemed forever but was more like a minute. "Reb we got some really bad news." I sighed prepared to hear that one of the brothers was hurt again. What he tells me is not near what I was thinking. "We didn't tell you the other day because we know you would react badly but Har went missing three days ago." Emediately I punched him. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? Where did she go missing? Is anyone looking for her?"

TJ grabbed me and held my arms to my sides. That's when I saw Jake walking toward us. Suddenly my heart dropped to my feet and I knew there was more to it. Jake pulled me into his arms then whispered, "I'm so sorry sweetie, they found her about two hours ago." I looked up into my tallest cousins eyes, all seven foot two of him. "She's dead isn't she?" I asked in a whisper holding my breathe for the answer. Jake just nodded. I clenched my teeth together. "Tell me how she was found."

Damon spoke up saying I didn't realy want to know. I was about to argue when Jake told me. What he said angered me more than anything else in my life thus far and that includes any beatings I got or even when I was raped. I made a silent promise to Har that he (meaning Shaun since I knew he did it) would regret it and pay for it. He would not get away with murdering my cousin.

I was shaking from anger more than anything else. I calmed myself enough to convince the guys I would be ok to drive myself home on my bike. After they left I made a phone call. "Nick, hey it's Reb call me back asap I'm gonna need some help." Putting my phone into my bra (yes such a girl move) I got on my bike to head over to Nick's work hoping I would catch him there. I knew he of all people would understand and help me with my next move.

I felt my phone vibrate just as I pulled up to the place Nick works. I pulled it out to see Nick's number on caller ID. Quickly I text him that I'm outside and stand by my bike to wait. A few minutes later I see him walk out the side door and head over to me. He knows me well enough that when he sees my face he knows something is really wrong.

"What is it Rebi? I know that look." He scowls at me. That's when I tell him. "It's Har...this time that....that....tard went too far. He murdered her in cold blood Nick he needs to pay for that." The look that came across quickly then vanished again on the young man standing next to me scared even me. "Damn! Don't worry baby we will find him this time, he won't get away again I promise you." I knew that Nickoli meant every word. He knew how much my cousin had meant to me.

Nick told me that he would make a few phone calls and get back to me about it later. I thanked him and rode my bike home. I was still angry so drove a bit faster than I should and knew that if Les saw me I would get yelled at. OMG! I had forgotten about Les. He didn't even know what was going on. I looked at the time and realized that it was past 1:00 AM there so he might be asleep. I decided to wait until he would wake in the morning to tell him. I know it would come as a shock.

Getting back to the house I made myself a simple sandwich of cheese and butter, yes I know "gross" but I like them and no I didn't toast or grill it. I did a load of laundry and took a shower before checking the time again hoping it would be late enough that I could text Les. When I glanced at my phone I saw that he had texted me and realized my phone was on silent from work earlier. I smiled to myself for forgetting to change it back. 

Sighing and getting serious once more I glanced at his text to see he has just woken up and kissed me. I sent him kisses back but without my usual enthusiasm knowing he would pick up right away that something was wrong. I was right when the next thing I know my phone is ringing. "Hun what's wrong?" He emediately asked. I sighed. "Not sure how to say it so I'm just gonna do it. Har was murdered. I know Shaun did it but can't prove anything." Then I finally let my silent tears fall. He was very consoling as I knew he would be. We talked for a few minutes before his battery beeped that it was dieing and I smiled because that was Les, he let his battery get so low all the time. We finally hung up when I reassured him that I was okay. 

My next thought and text was that I didn't know how I was going to tell Xander. I knew that he deserved to know even after everything that had happened in Chicago between them. I wasn't sure what his reaction to this was going to be.

A few hours later I got a text from Xander as I always did asking how my day was going. I just typed out crappy with a sad frowning face. I knew he'd pick up on it. He could usually tell my moods, almost as good as Les could. His next text was asking me what was wrong as I knew it would. That's when I started to break it to him. I texted "I got bad news about Har." He typed "Wait. Stop. Don't say any more." I could tell that he knew just by that text it was bad. I had to say it though. "Xandy she's dead. I'm so sorry." With a sad face. I didn't get a text back and I knew he was hurting. It hurt me to know that it might come to this where I would never hear from him again. Then he texted me "I gotta go see ya." and tears fell down my face with the thought that he would never wanna talk to me again.

For the remainder of that week I talked more and more to Nick. We started a plan on how to find that scumbag Shaun. Nick asked about doing a scrying spell and I wondered if it would work. I knew that I still had a lock of his hair from the last time I had fought with him at the house over Har. I had kept it always with the plan on the back of my mind that someday I may need it, and that day had finally come.

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