Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria

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*Jeff's POV*

"What you find BEN" I said "I found out more about this place"BEN said scrolling through the cite "Hey look at this" I said pointing to what looks like 'The Bite of 87'.

BEN clicked the link and read "The bite of 87' is when foxy glitched to bite a kids frontal lobe off which result in foxy being shut down and the kid as well lived."

"Wow so someone almost got killed here" I said "Hey wait some people actually did look The 5 missing children" BEN said.

Masky started reading out loud "There where 5 children that died in this pizzeria someone took them to the back and they were never found.

Some think it that the person might have put them in the suite and ran from the backroom but no one still can't find where the kids where."

"Well this is good enough information good job BEN" masky said "Thanks" BEN said "So if the kids are dead and they might be in the suite's is that why the animatronics are moving?" Jane asked "I-I *tic* guess s-s-o *tic*" Toby said Sally was playing with the new bear's that we found I walked over to the one of the bear's and picked it up.

The bear had a black bow tie,top hat, and mic along with Sky blue eyes "HAHAHAHAH Hey that HAHAHAH looks like that bear out on that stage HAHAHAHAH"LJ said "Yah it does" BEN said "S-so where n-not the o-only o-ones here" hoodie finally said something.

*Sam's POV*

"Hey do you think those guys will get hungry?" Sky said "Hmmmm.....I'll go get something for them" I said "Ok but don't get cought" Sky said "Ok" I said.

I started sneaking to the kitchen once there I actually do see anyone there so I went in and got some Pizza,Cupcakes, and soft drinks enough for everyone once I finished that I sneaked out of the kitchen and walked back to the room those guys where in" am I going to get there attention?" I said to myself.

Once I make it I set the tray down and put a note on the door I kind of smack the note on the door and ran to hide and listen to them.

*Jane's POV*

I heard a smack on the door and went to open it once I did I seen a note on the door and cupcakes and pizza just enough for everyone I picked up the tray and the note and close the door.

While that was happening Sam went to the door and listen.

"Hey guys I found a note and a tray of pizza and cupcakes enough for everyone too" I said "Oh what dose the note say Jane?" DL said eating a slice of pizza I opened the note "Hi there so I now you guys will be hungry so I went to the kitchen anyway I now you might be looking for a name but you have to wait for that so uhhh...enjoy and just put a note on the floor if you need something bye "Well if we suposed to ask for something then" EJ said walking to the door.

*Sam's POV*

"Oh I hear foot steps" I said running back to my spot I see the guy with a blue mask on put a note on the floor and close the door.

I ran and pick up the note and went back to my spot"I don't eat real food I eat kidney's" It says "Wow really" I said and sighed and ran to another room no one uses and opens the door lined up on the walls are the animatronics past kills with the security guards I opened 7 suites and looky here there are some kidney's right there well here we go.

I grabbed a bag and started grabbing the kidneys once I finished I put the bag on the ground and wrote in the blood on my hands "Your welcome :D" and smacked my hand on the door and ran to my room.

*EJ's POV*

I walked up to the door to see a bag and on the door is a hand print and saying "Your Welcome :D" I picked up the bag and found 14 kidneys in there and close the door.

"So did the person give you the kidney's?" Clockwork said "Yah and on the door is a hand print and written in blood said Your welcome with a smiley face" I said "Oh let me see the door?" Masky asked I went to the door and opened it to show him the handprint and words.

"Yep someone is definitely here with us" Masky said.

*No ones POV*

Once he said that it was 12:00 its time for there night 2 shift

((Yah there starting to get suspicious ooooo I like this am I doing good? I hope so comment how you think I'm doing so far in this book and also comment if you can see the pictures bye))

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