Chapter 6 - Agent 006

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I have arrived at school 10 minutes late. Can I get any luckier? What...? I walk over to the main hall and see everyone surrounding a paper, maybe it was the cast list for the end of year play. When I walk over everyone looks at me and laughs. The walks away sniggering I go forward and proceed to read it:

"I am so stressed lately. Everyone seems to hate me no matter what I do. Whether I stay quiet I get picked on and even when I show my confident side, I am turned down and still made a mockery of. But one thing I do look forward to is seeing the new boy: Cameron. He isn't like the rest. He is different. In a good way, he doesn't let his looks cloud his judgement on others. He even said hi to me. I swear I almost died of a heat stroke".

I felt sorry for the person who wrote that. They would be make a laughing stock and people wouldn't forget about it anytime soon. I walked away slowly and I had to do a double take because the words processed in my head. Hate, New Boy, Heat Stroke. That was all me. 

Oh... My...Gosh... That was my diary. It must have been the thing that fell. Things just went all around me mind. How many of these were posted around the school? Who had seen it? My day started off well and now has gone downhill form this point. I know I was hated. But who would stoop so low to do something like this.

This seems quite sad but... I said to myself: Mission if you choose to accept is to collect all the posters put around the school Agent 006 and dispose of them you will only have five minutes. Also, you need to apprehend the criminal before the bomb of total embarrassment explodes.

I needed to make light of this cloudy situation and that is what I intended to do.

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