Chapter 16 - Confessions....

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Back to Rochelle's point of view. It was hard doing it from Cameron's point of view. Hope you liked it. I tried. I will try and do it from his view againby mixing it up between them both.


Chapter 16

A week later and I am ready to go. I feel weak and unsturdy but I don' t like staying in hospitals. The smell of death lingers in the air and although I am not religious. I thank the Lord that I am up and well again. Since Cameron left he didn't come and visit me after that again. It was alright because it gave a chance for both of us to clear out heads. I didn't like being a burden for Cameron. After the operation the doctor went through all the risks that may occur after my surgery " Amnesia, Nausea...". It was like a boring Science lesson all over again. But I got to see the tumour after the surgery. It was the size of my fists. I was like a weird realisation that we should never take life for granted. Once, I am able to go back to my normal life. I am going to live my life to the absolute full.

Cameron's POV

I just cannot bring myself to confront Rocky. After I left in a rush last week. I needed to clear my head. My mum told me she is getting discharged today. Maybe, I will see her today. But I blame myself, why did I not see the signs? My mum is a doctor and is always talking about cases and giving me books about health. She wants me to be just like her. She even made me read a book on Compulsive Liers, that was the day when I meet Rocky in the library.

Rochelle's POV

Time for me to leave the hospital. I thanked the Doctor a million times. Without him I don't know what I would have done. My mum comes to collect me because my dad has work and he has already taken too many off days. We are on our way home when she takes a left when she should have taken a right. Unless, in this week we have found a new home. I have no clue where we are going. The only people who live this way is Cameron. As if my mood affected the weather. It started raining heavily. The windwipers were not as strong as they were ten years ago. My mum said " Get out the car". I was shocked and didn't know why I should get out. I know we were not at home but I could not see clearly. I got out as she asked and she sped off down the road.

Cameron's POV

I am deep into my thoughts when I hear my doorbell ring. I open it and

to my surprise is Rocky standing right in front of me. She was drenched from head to toe her hair damp and in knots on her face. " Rocky what are you doing here?". She just jumps into my arms and starts crying and I embrace the feeling. Not speaking in a week can have a toll on you. Still cuddling her we shuffle over and she is shaking now. Shivering from the cold. What was she doing outside and for how long? Instead of questions I need to get her warm.

I grab a towel and wrap her with it. I wipe away her tears and I ask what is the matter. " I haven't cried in a long time. All my emotions have been blocked up inside of me for so long I just needed to let it out".

I feel sorry for her and I know that I have not been entirely truthful to her. Infact, I have hardly been truthful at all. Now is the time to tell the truth. It is now or never. " Rocky... I have something to tell you. If I don't tell you now I don't think I will ever have the guts to say it but I ..."

Climax. I am leaving you guys on a cliffhanger. Haha! I want people to be itching to know more.

Thank you for guys for voting. I had it done on Friday. Just forgot to upload it. Sorry and also sorry it is a bit short.

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