Chapter 9 - Life Saver

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I woke up in such pain. I guess I had feel asleep on my hands. Pins and needles were all over my hand. But I was tucked up in bed, with my books neatly stacked up on my bedside table. My phone charging and my headphones still in my hand. I knew it was my mum. We couldnt stay mad at eachother for more than a day. I think it is being a teenager that makes me so rebelious. All the hormones.

I always use that as an excuse. At home I was a diva and a drama queen. But at school I was the girl in the front of the class with my hands always up. The school nerd. The day dreamer. The outcast. My head always down and trying not to draw too much attention to myself.

Anyway, I had to get ready for school. It was 8:45. And I left my house. I choose to not eat breakfast because I was on a diet. For real... The other times I would say that but next minute you would catch me eating a doughnut or having a packet... or two of crisps. But I decided to walk so that would benefit me.

I snacked all last night while doing my homework. MY HOMEWORK. OH, NO! I felt my heart skip a beat and I rummaged through my bag and there was my homework. Don't remember completing it. One thing I forgot to mention was that my mum hated me getting into trouble. She knew what it felt like.

In school, my mum was very popular. She was part of the most important group of girls in my but she never picked on people. She ended up with a pass in all subjects while remaning prom queen. I bet she was dissapointed in me although she didn't know about my school life. She always wanted me to bring friends over, which I didn't have.

I texted her to thank her because if not I would have an hour detention after school.


" Thank you so much for my homework. Much appreciated".


" Anything 4 u dear. I luv me ".

Did I forget to say that my mum knew slang. I didn't even need to teach her. My mum was very young because she had me at the age of sixteen and she was now thirty- two. Whereas, my dad was fourty. They had an age difference but they loved eachother dearly.

I do daydream and I am always warned about it. I could cross the road and daydream there. It was a bad habit. It needed to stop. But what I couldn't get out of my head. All the situations that had occured yesterday. The mystery person who posted my diary all around school and the person who returned my diary and rummaged around my room. That creeped me out.

I was infront of the school gates. Walked in with my head down, back to the shy and silent girl I usually was. Seconds later I felt someone tap me on my shoulder. Cameron the new kid. My cheeks flushed a very bright pink colour and I think he noticed because he was smirking and his glimmering white teeth shined as the light reflected off them.

He said " Hey, how you doing. Whats your name?". I was stuttering no one ever made me feel so weird. My stomach twisted and turned and the fact that I was stuttering made him even more happy. My words finally came out well. " My name is Rochelle ". I said whats your name even though I knew what it was already. "Cameron."

I think I was daydreaming again because he started laughing and I joined in, awkwardly. I forgot all about my worries. But as quick as I forgot it, as quick as I remembered. I had to put together some facts

. It was a boy

. It was a dumb person

. Someone who had nothing better to do with their lifes.

Getting carried away again. By the time I was back in reality. I realised Cameron had gone away. I was staring into space like a weirdo. But I had to have my priorities straight someone had it in for me.

Period One, I had Maths and I was like an investigator looking for anything or anyone acting  suspiciously. I sat down at the back of the class to get a good view of everyone. But got handed a detention slip by Mr.Carter our teacher. I was only two minutes late because I had to go to the computer room and do my homework. But got distracted and went on Facebook. I think I logged off...?

Didn't I ?...

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