Chapter 17 - Day, Month, Year

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                Rochelle POV

What did he want to tell me? And why was it neccessary that he told me this instance. I do want to know because he is my bestfriend and I can see that it is killing him not telling me. But that famous saying." The truth hurts". Thinking about it, did I really want to know because if I did find out. What if it affected our relationship? I didn't want to lose him...

"Rocky... I have something to tell you. If I don't tell you now I don't think I will ever have the guts to say it but I ...". Just as he was about to finish his sentence. I couldn't help myself. I stopped him. " Cameron, whatever you are going to say. I don't think I want to hear it. I just came out of hospital, please could you say it later?".

There was just silence for a few seconds. Then he said "Okay," with a look of defeat on his face. Trying to change the subject swiftly and make things less than awkward than it was I asked " What has been going on school. Any gossip?". He explained fully and I was fully informed into every detail. Why is it whenever you miss school, you miss all the good things that happen also? We just kept on talking and laughing all night. " Cameron, you always know how to make me laugh,". I said shakily.I was saying while gripping my stomach in pain of laughter. My mouth was full of smoothie and unfortunately the fact that it was now on Cameron's mum's favourite white carpet was not a joke. I was dead. My eyes went wide in shock and I immediatly stopped laughing. My life had only started and now it would end. Even Cameron's mouth flew open because even he knew that this was his mothers favourite rug. Whenever I would come to his house, I had to take off my shoes while crossing the carpet. She loved this more than him.

"Hot water and bicarb soda, quick,". Cameron said snapping me out of my thoughts. So far I had twelve ways his mum could kill me with her bare hands. Lucky, Cameron's mum was a neat freak and she knew how to get out any stain. I ran to the kitchen and boiled the hot water then grabbed what looked like bicarb. I sprinkled it on without thinking. Then as the stained turned from a pale pink to a yellow stain. I screamed inside my head.. Now thirteen ways his mum could kill me. I looked over to what I had brought. I smelled it. It was a custard powder mix. It didn't have a label.

As if my life couldn't get any worse. A car was pulling up outside his house. Then feet were approaching the door and a set of keys entered the lock. I started feeling light headed and panicky. She entered the house and did her normal ritual. Take off her things and hang it near the door. Then took off her shoes to not spoil her carpet. Which I had just spoiled. As if in sync Cameron and I leaped up and stood infront of the stain to try and hide it as well as we could. " Hello, Rochelle. How are you there? Move out the way so I can see my precious carpet. I had to comply. I thought I moved I would tell her. " I-I-I". But was cut off by Cameron. "Sorry mum I spilled smoothie on your carpet,". Her eyes went so wide they looked as if they would pop out their sockets. " You what? Cameron you are grounded for a week, a month, a year, infact for the rest of your life young man. To your room now!".

Her face was now white. The same as the carpet. She was pale, as if someone told her that someone she loved died. But in this case it was something she loved alot. I felt bad for him, why would he take the blame for me? He really is a true friend. I would make it up to him. After a few minutes of silence. She asked what I was doing here. I didn't even know myself. I just shrugged." Would you like to stay for tonight. It is late?". I wanted to. Just had to call my mum, my mum

agreed very quickly. Cutting the phone off on me when I wanted to ask another question. I had spare clothes here. This was like my second home. I just shared a room with Cameron's younger sister.

As I was getting ready to go to bed. I felt bad so I texted Cameron:

" I am sorry for getting you in deep trouble with your mum. I will do anything to pay you back, anything".

Before I could even lock my phone he replied:

"Anything, come over,".

So I snuck over to his room. Creeping quietly, knowing this houses, inside out. I knew which floorboards creak and which didn't. "Left, right, right, left, right". I entered and he was just staring at me with a weird look in his face. Not one that I recognized. I was wearing his shirt which stopped mid-length. "Sorry, for wearing your shirt your mum said I could wear it. What did you want?,". He just patted the space on his bed next to him. I skipped over like a child, trying to make him smile, since I got him grounded for the rest of his life. " You said you would do anything,right?". He said it his eyes darkening as he said it. I could see the lust in his eyes. Something I had never seen before. " Within reason!". He said it so fast I didn't hear what he said. So I said "huh" eventhough I proberby didn't want to hear it.

"Kiss me!".

Sorry for not updating in like a while. Forgive me, (imagine me on my knees begging for your forgiveness ). Thank you for to votes and reads, keep them coming.

Already working on next chapter.

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