Chapter 11 - Detention???

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Lesson was boring as usual and we were going over expanding and factorising quadratic equations. Maths, was not my strongest point but I applied myself and  tried very hard none the less. When everyone in the classes phones went off. Everyone recieved a text message but me. What a surprise...?

But Mr Carter couldnt keep the whole class in for Detention. So he shrugged it off and just told everyone to turn their phones off. When he turned around to show us how to work out 2(3x+14) - 4(3x - 7) everyone brought out their phones and as if in unison the whole class looked at me in envy.

My saving grace was the fact that Cameron came into the class huffing and puffing and that made everyone face him. He was saying exhausted "Sorry... I... am...late". Ms Carter was fine because he was the new kid and they would get special treatment until someone else came.

He came in and sat next to me and I didn't notice until he said " Do you have a pen?". I was so worried why everyone was staring at me that I wasnt listening. He repeated and asked again. I snapped out of it and gave him a pen. I said to him " Why are you late?". He stopped and stared at me for a few seconds before just saying he came from the library.

It took him so long to answer that I didn't know whether to belive what he just said. But I just left it and having everyone staring at me made me feel weird also I didn't have the confidence to ask someone what was going on.

Lesson ended and I was called back by Mr Carter and he said he was worried with me because this was the first time I ever had a detention and he didn't want this to affect my learning so he let me off because this wasnt a usual thing.

As I walked onto the corrider everyones eyes were piercing at me it was as if they were using their eyes to decompose me. Making me feel like nothing. I starting to cry and blamed it all on hayfever. I took off my glasses and walked into the bathroom and went into a cubicle. I ate my lunch in the toilet then heard a knock and a concerned voice asking if I was alright. I realised it was a boys voice and thought what the hell is a boy doing in a girls bathroom.

I said "Excuse me... Who the hell are you coming into the girls bathroom?When I see your face I will report you to the headmaster". The person laughed. I thought what was funny and stuck my head outside and it was Cameron. "Are you stalking me?". I asked. He said "Do I look like the stalking type". I shrugged thinking what does a stalker look like.

"Why were you late to class?". He said he was in the computer room.  But I dont remember seeing him when I was there. Maybe he came after me. Whatever. He said "I dont think that is what you should be thinking about" he smirked. "Do you know you are in the mens toilet?". What...? What...? I looked around and saw urinals and was so embarrased. My cheeks were so bright.

I felt so much embarrassment I wanted to be like a bomb. Just self-destruct right there. I ran out and just didnt look back when I bumped into The Pancake Face Crew. The group of girls who didnt know what enough make up was. They always said things in unison. " That is the girl who posted rude things about all of us on Facebook. And she obvs doesnt know who she is messing with cause we will beat this stupid ass hoe ".

I didnt understand I would never post anything about anyone and I checked it out myself, went onto my phone and logged into my Facebook account and saw all these horrible comments on my Facebook Wall. Although I was hated, I had people on Facebook.

Someone had obviously hacked into my Facebook account because I would never do or say any of those hurtful things about anyone. One of the posts that was supposedly made by me was  " Even an developing organism had more brain cells than Brenda". Also, a post that shocked me was " I think Cameron is so hot, I drool over him. I have my own shrine dedicated to Cameron".

That was the most embarrasing thing that someone could do to me. I could feel my cheeks burning up. I was going to be sick. Who would do something like that to me? I just ran and kept running as tears flooded down my face. My heart felt like it had been shattered into a million pieces. Nothing or no one could make the pain go away. I had to go to a place where there was quiet. A place with no noise.

The Library. That would make me feel one hundred times better.

Thank you guys so much. For reading my book. It is my first one so it might not be the best. But I hope to get better. I promise that if I get 100 reads and 50 votes. I will do two extra posts including the one I usually do every week.

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My Moment To LiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora