Chapter 12 - Threaths

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The Library. I know what you are thinking such a nerd. But right now what people really thought of me didnt matter. I tried my best to keep my head down and to not get involved in petty things that go on around the school. I keep myself to myself. I have built up a wall around because I am too scared to let my guard down. I was the shy nerd.

People didnt think I could do such a thing? Did they?

I was completely and utterly wrong. Everywhere I looked I was looked down on like scum. In this school people have pulled some very stupid stunts. But this by far topped the lot. I felt like junk mail. Unwanted and Unloved. But I had to get a clue to what could have happened? I tried to remember everything. In the morning I came to finish my work and get it done. Then went on Facebook quickly. But the librarian came and shooed me out because it was lesson time. So I quickly deleted the tab.

I think...? Well, that is how the person must have got onto my Facebook it was the only possible way. The positive thing about working the library meant you had access to all the library resources. I was able to check the log books to find out who came in and what time they came in. So I checked the library log book and checked who came. Not a surprise it was Cameron.  But there was a name underneath but it was then scribbled with marker pen. So it was not visible to see who it was. So now I am back to square one. It is either Cameron: who always seems to find me wherever I go. Or a mystery person who scribbled their name out of the log book.

Cameron came in a few minutes later ( not a surprise ). Looking hot as ever. I didnt really notice him today proberbly because I was so distracted. He wore doctor martins, leather trousers, black shirt and leather jacket and a Jesus necklace around his neck. He could blow anyones mind away. Why did it have to be mine? I was staring at him for way too long because when I was slapped in the face by reality. A line had arose and people were waiting for me to check out their books. I was so upset but you know what they say 'Service with a smile'. I planted the most artificial smile I could possibly force myself to bring out.

When it was almost Cameron's turn I went to the back cupboard to get something and freshened up my breath and fixed my hair. But you could still see the dry residue of tears. But I didnt think it was so visible. "Hello,sir the book needs to be rerurned in two weeks. Or else...?". I was still upset with him there was 50/50 chance that Cameron was the person who had been stalking me and putting things up about me. So he wasnt going to get service with a smile. " Wow! Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed" he said raising his eyebrows.  I replied him by saying "Whatever do you want the book or not?". At this point I hadnt even noticed the books he was holding because I hated but couldnt take my eyes off of him.They werent study books, I could feel that. I looked down to see a book on Compulsive Liers. Why would anyone need a book like that? I asked him what he needed it for. He was agitated I could see so he snatched the book out of my hand and walked off.

Two weeks later

Two weeks had passed and he didnt return the book. But that didnt matter we became great friends. I deactivated my Facebook account. Every day Cameron and me would either go to his house or go to my house after school. He prefered to come to mine because his house was always crowded. He had three older brothers and a younger sister. We were inseperable. My mum always teased me and called him my boyfriend but my feelings for him seemed to have diseappeared. Today was my day and my mum was going to rustle up some lasagne for all three of us. My favourite. Cameron was going to go to his house first to change and then come over. He only lived about 10 minutes away from me.

When I got home there was no sign of my mum. But post came. "Mum... Mum... Me". Oh! Post for me. I felt special I never ger post unless it is a reminder for my appointment. I opened it and it said " Leave C...Actually, the fun had only just begun". Just when I thought that everything was going right seems like...

I was wrong.

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Quick Question

a. Who thinks it is Cameron

b. Who thinks it is someone else

2. Who thinks she still likes Cameron

b. Who thinks that she will find another lover.

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