Chapter 8 - American Embassy

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I was so mortified... I couldn't believe what I was seeing. But I choose to make him pay for what he has done. I may be a shy, quiet girl. But my life cannot remain the same. I dont wanna be invisible forever. That would a sad lonely road that I wouldn't want to go down alone.

My plan was in full swing now. He wouldn't know what hit him. But for now... I am tired and feeling very lazy. See this is the flaws of being asthmatic. But it was also a positive because Physical Education was not compulsary. So I walked home seeing as I misplaced my oyster and was I was unfortunately too late to catch the school bus.

I came into the house and threw my bag onto the sofa and walked past my mum because I was not in the mood to talk to her. When she started a conversation. She would go on and on. She coule talk for the country if she wanted to. 

My mum said " Darling. Are you alright? How was school today? ". I just ignored her. Sometimes I get so annoyed with my mum. I hardly have time to get annoyed with my dad because he travels around the world alot. So it is me and my mum three quaters of the year. But he would always bring back souveniers back from all parts of the world.

When I got to my room a shock was awaiting me. There it was... My diary was on my bed. And my was room tidied up. That could not be possible. I saw it in his hands. It was in school. To my surprise my window was opened. This was getting weirder than ever. I was scared. Someone had entered my room and fiddled with my belongings.

I couldnt tell my mum because she was over protective. In Second Grade when a boy named Dylan hit me. My mum was going to call social services for the mother claiming she was not a fit mother and that she didnt teach her child proper manners. So this, if she would come to know she would call the American Embassy and the FBI.

That is how bad she is. So this meant I was on my own. Most people would contact their best friends but for me. I was my own bestfriend. I spent the rest of the evening checking my room to see if anything was missing. But because it was so messy before. I didnt really know.

After that I did my homework while listening to music. My favourite song Marry Juana by Naira Marley was playing and I bobbed my head to the song. So I could block out the sound of my mum singing an making noise while cleaning. I was so tired. I fell asleep doing my homework and listening to music. That could make you deaf right.

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