Tonight we stand in silence

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Disclaimer- I really don't feel like writing this but I have to soooo I don't own the Teen Wolf cast nor the Supernatural cast nope but I do own Addison lovely Addison Winchester.

The picture above is from polyvore so I just put it together.

Previously- Addison went to the loft and met Stiles, Scotty, and Peter. She also learns about Isaac, Erica, and Boyd. Well she wanted to help out with the alpha problem but Derek wouldn't let her she got angry but let them go. She was left to deal with Peter and take care of Stiles which she was so not doing. So she left Stiles to deal with Peter and while she left she sat in her car having a vision (to know what the vision re-read the last chapter but I'm having a feeling that's why your here on this chapter.....a way to make things awkward). Anyway when she drove home we got a small glimpse of Addy in action she was good wasn't she also poor Addy got kidnapped by Ennis and Adien so there's no confusion. Let's get to it!

The picture above is what she was wearing yesterday.

Tonight we stand in silence °Rewritten•

So last night I blacked out but since I have a solid memory I remember every single thing. But now's not the time to remember now is the time to take action because right now I'm chained up to a pillar it's not the most comfortable but I have to deal with it. I don't like it but I really have to fucking deal with it.

I sighed seeing they took my jacket away from me and that was my good jacket the one with my good weapons in there. I sighed a good three times because one I can't get my jacket, two I can't reach into my boot, and three I'm fucking stuck here. So I just waited and thought if I make too much noise they would most likely come in here and since I can't mess up their face I don't wanna see them. I just don't wanna see 'em. I heard footsteps and the sound a cane hitting the floor. "Well well your finally awake" the guy with the cane and glasses on said.

I stayed silent. Ha like hell. They thought I was gonna speak. Ha that brings tears to my eyes. "So what's a woman like you doing with Derek?" he asked. "You see he attractive and you not ok that's one of the many differences why. But does it really matter? Because to me it doesn't you can't get this old man alright. But do you really care? No I thought so. My question is why the fuck do you care?" I spat. "Oh no need to snappy" he smiled. "Oh there are tons and tons of reasons to be very snappy especially with you in my presence" I said. Then he nudged his head in my direction. What the hell? Should I be concerned? Oh wait I don't give two shits about the dickhead right here. A woman came out from his side and punched me. "You are so lucky I am chained up otherwise I would kick your ass. And trust me it would look bad to have your ass handed to you by a beta" I spat at her.

She kicked me this time slashing my face. It was taking so time to heal but I've had worse. "Is that all you've got bitch? Because I've had worse than this when I was human" I spat. "Oh no there's more of that came from" she smirked before punching me again. "Ha even I can do better than that" I bragged and laughed at her. I don't know why but I most certainly like to taunt my enemies. She looked angered and that means my plan is working wellll in a way.

She was about to punch me again when guy with cane started speaking again. "That's enough Kali" he said. She backed off and went back to his side. "Yeah better listen like the little lap dog you are" I say and she growled at me as I smirked. "I'm pretty sure Derek told you all about us didn't he?" he asked. "Why do you care? All you care about is kidnapping the people Derek knows to get him into your pack am I right? And then you would have him kill his pack. But let me be the first to tell you he'll rather die than one join your broken ass pack and two kill the ones he grew a bond with. So good luck trying to get him into your pack" I spat man I cannot control my anger anymore oh how I would like to use it right now but I can't or else I let in into my wolf side. And everything will just go down hill from there.

"I can feel you getting angrier by the second. You know your really powerful you could be more if you joined my pack" he said. "Man fuck you and your dumbass pack members and if you don't leave me the hell alone" I said through my teeth trying to calm myself down. "No get angry I know how much you want to but your afraid of changing and I'll give you some time to reconsider" he said. "I'm. Not. Afraid. And. Once. Again. Fuck. You" I said slowly angry. "See there you are afraid to change you can't talk properly" he taunted me. "I'm not afraid" I growl feeling my fangs come out. "Then what's stopping you?" he asked. "Nothing" I said giving in feeling my claws come out and my eyes changing. Oh how they would be disappointed in me. "Kali" he said nugding his head towards me.

All I see was that she had a needle. I don't care at all as she inserts it into my neck then I blackout. It's better than becoming that monster. See this is what happens when I can't keep my thoughts to myself I never think of the consequences.

Around 6 minutes later......

I wake up with my arms behind my back someone holding it firmly. I see I'm at Derek's loft. I get put on my knees by the person. I'm too weak too do anything I look to my left and see I'm guessing Isaac and Boyd then I look to my right and see a woman in the same position of me being held down by a guy. How many people are in the alpha pack I don't know about? I ask myself. By now I feel everything and my vision isn't so blurred. I saw Kali come in. She started talking great now I have to listen to her bitch ass voice. Bitch is lucky I'm still vulnerable or I would've pounced up and beat her ass.

"You know Derek when Ennis died I thought I would just come and kill you but I remembered you surround yourself with teenagers" she said. "So Derek is it going to be you and me or them?" she pointed to me and this other woman I wonder who she is. "Don't do it Derek protect your pack" I whispered to him. He nudged his head to his side letting Isaac and Boyd know to move out of the way and he looked over to me nodding once. They hesitated before walking to the side.

Derek shifted and Kali came at him. They were fighting for a good 7 minutes before the electricity came on and Derek fell along with Boyd and this woman screaming in my ear for Derek. Man she's getting on my nerves. I'm like this close to snapping.

Isaac came running to us saving the woman first then me. "Get him" Kali said to the twins. They ran to pick up Boyd. One grabbed Boyd while the other grabbed Derek and lifted his claws. No. He's just a teenage boy who still has a life ahead of him. "Why not me?! Huh! Why not?! Why are you so keen on taking the life of these innocent teenagers?!" I shout as Isaac held me back. "Sweetheart he's not innocent" she said. I looked at her like she was crazy wait she is. "Isn't innocent?! Compare him to you has he killed anyone?! No have you?! Yes that is innocent you, you crazy psychotic bitch! Take me instead!" I yell. I at this moment no longer care for my life I don't want Boyd dying because of this. She ignored me.

I gripped on Isaac's arm tears coming into my eyes but I started to hide my emotions again. They let Boyd fall into Derek's claws. The alphas left. "I'm sorry" Derek said with tears in his eyes. "It's ok" Boyd said. "N-no it's not ok I'm sorry Boyd" Derek was crying at this point. "It's ok I get to be with my sister" Boyd said. Then Boyd fell out of Derek's hands. "BOYD" a girl screaming running in and sitting next to Boyd. Stiles came in with her and stood there shocked. I just gripped onto Isaac's arm letting one tear out and wiping it.

We all stood there in silence respectful silence. Eventually Isaac was the one who took me home, Stiles left while Derek, and the other girl stayed, and what happened to that other woman I don't know and I don't care she has an off vibe about her and I want to know what it is.

Supernatural/Teen Wolf Crossover #Wattys2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora