Saved by the trio

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Disclaimer- Ninth disclaimer yay not really but how's the story so far and I know I'm skipping episodes but eh I don't mind but if you mind then I'll try to do something about it. So I don't own Teen Wolf or the cast members neither do I own Supernatural or the cast members. But however I own Addison Winchester my oc ok mine.

Previously- Addison was still stuck in the Nemeton with Chris Argent, Melissa McCall, and Sheriff Stilinski. Well we all know what Addison hunts because she hunts the same thing as Sam and Dean. Also the Darach a.k.a Jennifer Blake has stopped by but couldn't use her power against Addison why?
Right that's right I left you guys with a cliffhanger well here we go.

Cliffhanger's previous spot- "Well I really don't want to wait but I have to so what does anyone want to talk about and I'm excluding the supernatural Stilinski" I yelled out.
He looked at me at a kid you just got caught stealing out of the cookie jar. We all laughed at him which he joined in. Then someone fell "Addison" the person said.

Saved by the trio

It was Isaac. "Hey Isaac" I said pulling him into a hug. "Well Scott came back" he said pulling away from the hug after hugging back. "Well at least he learned his mistake" I said. "What did Scott do" Melissa asked. "He went with Deucalion" I said.

Her eyes widen. "What happened from there" I asked him. "Nothing" he said he was lying and I know it. "Well nothing happened after that so I'm just going to pull Isaac over for a second I have some questions to ask him" I said pulling him by the collar and everyone looked at me confused before going back to what they were doing.

"What happened" I asked demandingly. "Scott, Stiles, and Allison sacrificed themselves to find their parents and you" he said. "Idiots I tell you what's the consequence for that" I asked him. "Well since they sacrificed themselves they opened a door in their minds" he said. "Their leaving their minds open anyone could walk into their minds causing them to be possessed" I said. "How do you know that" Isaac asked. "Deaton told me that once" I said keeping my heartbeat steady.

I tried to look at the time but my phones dead. I sigh and think of the outcomes of calling Dean and Sam later. Would they hate me or would they take me back. Do they know where dad is or no. Can dad be dead no no I need to stop thinking of that.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone snapping their fingers in front of my face. "What" I ask looking at Melissa. "I said when's the last time you slept" she asked. "Three days ago" I said. "Addison that's not healthy you need sleep" she said. "No I'm going to sleep I'm staying up I've stayed up this long before" I said. "Addison if we get out of here go home and get some sleep" I said. "What if I'm not tired" I ask. "Find a way" she said.

I sighed and sat down. "So Issac you came to help us or just chill with us" I ask. "Well that was the plan to help you guys out but it looks like we're stuck here until they come get us" Issac said. I swear under my breath. "Ok so what are they doing" I ask. "Well Scott went back to find Deucalion for help so they could take down Jennifer" Issac said. "The english teacher" Stilinski asked. "Yep" Issac replied back. "So what do we do from here" I ask. "I don't know" Melissa said sitting next to me.

"Don't even try me" Chris said sitting down. That left Stilinski and Issac. "Well I don't know we can't do much" Sheriff said sitting down. We all looked at Issac. "I don't know anything" he said. "Issac I have a question for you why do you always wear scarves" I asked. "Because I like them ok!" Issac exclaimed.

I rose my hands in surrender. "Ok no one I mean absolutely no one fucks with Lahey or talk about his scarves" I say. They all nod except for Issac who is glaring at me. "Ok no don't glare me either" I say. He rolled his eyes and sat down. But right when he sat down his phone started to ring. He fished the phone out his pocket. "Hello" Issac said. "Hey Issac are you guys ok" he asked. "Yeah were fine we're all fine" Issac said staring along the room.

Then they went off into a conversation with Isaac ending it saying "Oh and can you bring a ladder." I shook my head. "Ok Stiles should be coming shortly" Isaac said. "Thank you god I can finally have a fucking shower" I say.

They laughed. "Don't act like you don't miss having a shower because I do" I say. They nodded. I sighed I really want to sit down and listen to music and drink beer cold beer. "So what kind of music do you listen to" Isaac asked as if he was reading my mind.

"Me oh I listen to rock you know like ACDC, Areosmith and many many more" I say. "Oh you mean like old classic rock" he says. "Don't you dare call them old yes they are classic but don't call them old or else" I say. "Or else what" he asked. I looked at them as if I was saying 'Is this guy fucking for real'. "Or else I will pin you down making you listen them while I sing horribly which is something I don't do" I say.

He shook his head. "Wise choice Isaac" I say. A few minutes later they arrive which I am graceful for. But it was only Scott, Allison, and Stiles. They helped us all out and pulled their parents into hugs. Just for the sake of it I hug Isaac tightly. He isn't that much taller than me since I'm just as tall as......Sam.

I sigh. "You ok" he asked as we pulled away. I nodded. "Yeah I'm fine just want to charge my phone" I say. Then I looked at them. "Hey can one of you drive me home or to hospital 'cause at the hospital my cars there" I say. "Yeah I'll take you" Stiles said. Wait there are way too many of us here. "Wait how did you get here" I asked. "My jeep" he says. "Then how did they get here" I ask. "No more questions and get in the car" Stiles says. I rose my hands up in surrender. "Sorry" I say extendingly.

I followed him. When we arrived his jeep was a little messed up. "Stiles what happened to your jeep" I ask. "Oh totally forgot about that" he says. "What did you do are you ok" I ask. "I said no questions" he says. "It'll be fine I'll walk and come back" I say. "That's too far" he says. "Do you forget that I'm a werewolf" I ask. "No but it's still-" I cut him off by running away toward the hospital, found my car, got in and drove back.

"Yo Stilinski get in" I say pulling up. "Well that was fast" he said. "See I told you I ran and got my car then drove here past the speed limit" I say. He nodded and slid in. "They still there" I ask. "I think" he says. "Well call Isaac" I say.

He did so. "No they left three minutes ago" he said. "Alright I'll take you home" I say. He nodded giving me the directions. Once I dropped him off at home I went home myself. I immediately ran up the steps and ran into my room then plugged my phone in the charger. Then I continued my way around my room grabbing some clean clothes and heading towards the shower. It took me longer cause I really wanted it to be. I got out about 20 minutes later and dried myself off and put the clothes on. I stepped out the bathroom and looked at my phone only to have my heart drop. It was a message from....

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