Talking Sense

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I followed behind Stiles and them in my car. By them I mean Malia who I just might, Lydia, Scott, and Kira. I offered a spot in my car so it wasn't so crowded by they insisted that they rode with Stiles. Maybe because they don't want to sit next to a woman who just rose back from the dead or their more comfortable with Stiles around. I don't mind gives me more My phone rings. I put it on speaker.

"Speak to me"

"Yeah come talk sense into your fucking twin brother"

"Why? Right now isn't the best time. If you wanted you could put him on speaker"

"No the thing is that dad is long long gone and he wanted me to kill Sam if it got to that point and he wants me to kill him"

"What were are you?"

"Sorry you had the chance now your going to live up to regret this day"

"Dean? Dean!"

"Sorry Addison"

"No no. NO! GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" I cursed trying to call Dean back. I called Scott.

"Hey hey I gotta turn around"

"What?! Why?"

"My brothers I gotta go back for them"

"Fine! Go go!"

I hung up turning around wildly driving back to America. I followed Dean's scent and once I got there I ran inside the motel and started banging on the door.

"Dean! Dean! Open this fucking door!" I shouted.

"Fuck" I sweared backing up and kicked it in.

I saw Dean passed out. I ran up to him sliding on the floor shaking him.

"Dean get up!" I shouted.

He didn't. I slapped him.

He got up just as the land lord shown up asking for the room for the next couple.

"Wait have you seen the guy that was staying with me pass by?" Dean asked.

"Yeah and he took your car should've went with him" he said. I know how much Dean loved that car.

"Come on Dean" I say.

"Can I use your computer?" Dean asked.

"Now why would I let you use my computer?" The man asked. A little bribery never hurts someone.

"Hi. Yes. I'm looking for my son. He snuck out last night and didn't come home and I'm getting worried. He went to go see a Justin Timberlake concert but he's a diabetic and he needs to come home so I can give him his insulin. Yes he's putting in the name now. Sammy would never do something so crazy he's a good kid" I say. Ok it Dean's idea to say Justin Timberlake. He was all the way in Mississippi. Oh fuck you Sam fuck you.

"Come on Dean" I say. Something was off about Sam's scent. I haven't smelt that in a long time...demon.

"You do realize what Sam is right?" I ask speeding down the road with illegal speeds.

"A demon" Dean said blandly.

"How do you know that?" I ask wildly turning into a parking spot.

"Loved it when you did that. But I just know" He said. I nodded about to grab the holy water when the bitch burnt me.

"Shit" I say waving my hand around. Dean rose his gun at me.

"Wait wait whoa I'm not a demon I can prove I just don't know what happened" I say.

Supernatural/Teen Wolf Crossover #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now