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After Lucifer finished getting the Nogistune out of my head and stopping him from controlling anymore of my body I passed out. I woke up in darkness. I sit up.

"Hello darling" a voice said.

"Crowley?" I asked. The lights came on and he had a big smile.

"I haven't seen you in forever come give me a hug" I say stretching my arms out.

I don't know I just got along with the Devil, King of Hell, Archangels, and Angels. He walked over pulling me into a hug.

"I missed you too" he says patting my back and panting since I was squeezing the life out of him. We parted.

"Since when did you get so strong?" He asked rolling his shoulder blades around.

I smiled and shrugged. Shh it's a secret. I hate this whenever Lucifer takes the Nogistune out. It only happened twice maybe three times. But it makes me do very stupid things.

"So my king how's hell for you?" I asked.

"My queen it is fine" he says.

"Looks like your finally up" a new voice says.

"Luci!" I shout.

He chuckled shooing Crowley away sitting next to me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Great" I say.

"Are you sure because the last time you said that you-" I cut him off by moulding our lips together.

I pulled back. "You talk too much take me back to Earth peasant" I say.

"No" he said. I pouted.

"Fine I'll just get Crow to do it" I say. He pushed me down by my shoulders.

"Your not leaving Hell" he says. I look at him.

"Fine" I say looking away.

"Kitten what are you thinking about?" He asked laying beside me.

"Nothing. Wait how many days was I out?" I ask.

"A few" he said. My eyes widened.

"Luci please I must check on them" I say.

He sighed but let me go on to Earth. I followed my instincts and followed Stiles scent. I ended up at the school. I walked in cautiously to see them walk out of a classroom. I jog over to them partically scaring them. Scott and Kira get thrown back.

"Divine Move? Divine Move? You think you can beat me at own game? I'M A THOUSAND YEARS OLD YOU CAN'T KILL ME!" Void Stiles shouts.

"But we can change you" I say remembering how to kill him. Or at least get him out of copying whatever you get it.

"What?" He asked freezing.

"The scroll. You can't be a fox and a wolf" I say. He sneered at me.

"I promised you I'd kill you, you should've never left Hell" he said plunging his hand into my chest. I let out a shaky breath.

"T-tell Dean and Sam I love them" I say.

"They might know because their already here" Lydia said.

I nodded towards Scott and Kira. Scott bit Void Stiles while Kira stabbed him also hitting me. She quickly withdrawed. Void Stiles smirked pressing more pressure on my heart before his hand slid out passing out more like dying. I fell.

"Addison?" Lydia asked. I passed out feeling nothing and seeing nothing.


Supernatural/Teen Wolf Crossover #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now