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I sighed and trudged along behind Nico. We were walking to Battle Games and we just caught up with Nico's friends, the Seven. They were all adults by now, but they still liked living at camp. Percy started playfully teasing trying to get me to warm up to the group, but as always, it didn't work. By the time we got to the arena for the Battle Games it was packed except for a few seats in the front, which we took. Chiron stepped forward to explain the rules once again and start the game. His voice boomed across the arena, "Demigods! Today is a special Battle Games, we are to see who are the next best heroes in our camp! We have the demigods currently holding this title with us here today. Argo II crew, please step forward and take a bow or wave." The Seven plus Nico get up from their seats and stand up center stage smiling, except Nico, and waving, except Nico again. They all sat down and I roll my eyes thinking to myself. 'This is stupid, quests are for judging who the best heroes are. Being popular doesn't make you a good demigod.' I snapped back to reality to hear Chiron talking again. "We will pair off battles by skill level. Cabins competing today are Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, Nike, and Romans that are visiting. I realized after a second that those cabins included all the cabins that the Seven are in. It was a set up! They wanted the Seven to go against the newer kids to see if they could pick out the best and newest demigods. 'Well game on then, Chiron.' I think to myself. Chiron looks at a few sheets of paper that probably have the highest ranking demigods in each cabin. Chiron bellows "First match! Spencer Hood vs. Chase Seier!" The two step towards each, and as soon as the horn blew the two fought fiercely. 'The Spencer girl had good strategies and tactics. But she could do with more practice to protect her left side.' I mumble softly to no one in particular. It was such a good match that no one knew who was going to win. Chase ended up winning, because he weighed more than her and had pinned her down. Chiron looked impressed "Job well done you two! Next match Percy Jackson vs......." He eyes quickly shot around landing on me, as I expected. "Percy Jackson vs. Wolfe Simmons." Percy smirked, probably thinking he would get an easy win, since after all he had been called the best swordsman of the last 300 years. But from what I recall, he has never seen my sword fighting so I was feeling pretty confident. Chiron smirked and the rest of the arena held its breath. I realized right then what my advantage was. Percy was truly the only person in the entire camp who hadn't seen my fighting. As I was thinking and being half zoned out I heard a faint "Fight!" In the background. I was pretty skilled so I stayed zoned out for a few extra seconds. In those few extra seconds Percy noticed my "distracted" state and tried to make a move. I quickly and easily parried then focused on the battle. He seemed a little surprised but brushed it off. Then as quick as lightning he stabbed, jabbed, swung gracefully with his sword. I just stood there lazily blocking every hit he threw at me. You could hear the crowd snickering at Percy's reaction. You glance at him, the smirk yourself, he looked ticked off and annoyed. He stares me down "Wolfe, how are you doing that?" I roll my eyes, not answering. I just takes one step forward and that's when all hell breaks loose. Not literally though. With my one small step, I was slicing and hacking so fast that I was a blur to myself. Percy quickly engaged, blocking as fast as he could, not even having enough time to get in a jab of his own. I kicked him in the stomach, making him fall down in shock. I stabbed my sword through his shirt and whipped out my twin long knives. One in front of his neck and one behind. I glare down, staring in to his eyes, "Do you surrender?" He gives me a lopsided smile, "Never." With that he wedges his sword between my knife and his neck flicking away and knocking me over. I roll in time to not get hit by Riptide and grabbed my sword, Whiplash, as I rolled. I put my long knives in their sheaths across my back again, and kneeled, my sword ready, watching Percy out of the corner of my eye. And we weren't even breaking a sweat yet. Chiron made us both mad by interrupting us just then. "Um, Percy? Wolfe? Everyone knows this battle could go on for a long time, so could we just call it a tie? We haven't even gotten to the special part of this Battle Games." I was seething, but nodded calmly to Chiron and Percy. I told Chiron I would be back when the special round started, but that I was going to leave for now. I stalked out of the arena, toward the beach, my hands shoved in my pockets and my head looking at the ground. Percy ran after me shouting my name. "Wolfe! Wait! Could you stop for one second? Wolfe!" I didn't look at him, I just stopped when I reached the edge of the water and stared out over the serene waters. Percy walked up next to me looking at me then the water. "Wolfe, what's wrong?" I point my arm toward the arena without looking at it. Percy looked back to the arena then back at me. "Why do you hate Battle Games so much? It seems like you should be happy, being that talented at sword fighting." I sigh, 'no one gets that the Battle Games are a distraction.' "A distraction for what?" Percy questions. I close my eyes and take a deep breath 'Great job Wolfe! Really showing off your amazing social skills by muttering your inner thoughts out loud.' Percy raises hand as if to put it on my shoulder, but then thought better of it and just stuck with, "I'll come get you when it's time for the final round." I nod and wait as he walks back to the arena. I look down at the water and see my reflection. 'Wow' I think to myself, 'No wonder everyone stays away from me.' In the reflection I see a girl, her eyes a never-ending swirl of grey, blue, and gold. Her long red gold hair dyed black on the tips. Her face hard and smooth, free of any smile lines or signs that she had emotion at all. I continue waiting for another hour and a half, watching my reflection in the water; until I hear Percy's footsteps coming back. I quickly turn without a word and walk back to the arena. I could hear Percy mumbling behind me "hello to you too friend, nice seeing you again." I quickly whip around and get all up in his face and hiss, "I. Don't have. Friends." He looks a mixture of surprise, hurt, anger, and sadness. "Fine." He says and walks past without another word. I walk back inside to see four other kids standing at the front with a hole right in the middle of them. I roll my eyes and march up to the spot, standing smack in the middle of the current champions. Chiron nods and continues with the games. "Ok here are our champions for today, these heroes will be moving on to the next and final round. Wolfe Simmons, for best sword fighting, Spencer Hood for best strategies, Auster Illios for best use of powers while fighting, Chase Seier for best sportsmanship, and Selene Willow for best leadership. I rolled my eyes at the last one almost dying of laughter on the inside. It was so funny because Selene was almost as much a leader as Chiron was in the camp, it was obvious she would get that award. Though people ignore it most of the time, I'm pretty much second in command or co-leader to Selene when she needs it. Besides the Seven, Selene and I are who Chiron trusts most. Anyway, back to the games; Chiron starts talking again, "Today's special challenge will be the champions have to battle each other and then after a winner emerges from that, they will have to work together to fight another special group I've chosen." I groan, 'This is going to be a long night.'

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