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Once we got to Bunker 9, Auster opened the door by lighting his hand on fire and placing it on the seemingly flat slab of rock. The doors opened, giving us all a surprise when we saw what was inside. The place was already decorated and the Seven plus Nico were lounging around chatting. I cleared my throat loudly, catching Leo's attention first then everyone else's. Leo jumped up and ran over doing some kind of handshake with Auster, with of course their hands on fire at the same time. Leo spread his arms wide, "Welcome to your party! Leo McShizzle Bad Boy Supreme Valdez heard the mentions of a party for you four and Bunker 9. So now it's a party for you four and with us! This is going to be the best night ever!" He almost squeaks his last sentence. I roll my eyes 'yeah right' I think to myself. I look over to the others to see their reactions, only to find Auster looking at me with an expression on his face as if he was studing me. After a few seconds he noticed I was watching him now too and he smirked. Just then the room went in to party mode. This meant the main ligts turned in to neon dance party lights, fog machines started covering the flor with smoke, and music started blasting in surround sound. I regocnized the song as Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy. Everyone cheered and started dancing. I stood towards the edge of the room, leaning against the wall, and quietly singing the along with the song. Just then I saw the rest of the partyers playing with their powers. Percy had water swirling around the lights causing cool patterns and rainbows, Leo was lighting tiny floating candles that moved around the room, Hazel was hanging crystals on the wall which made the whole room glitter, then I saw something amazing. Auster used his fire to swirl around the room, then all of it came to the center of the room and crash together causing it to go in to the shape of a phoenix which flew around room before disappearing. I htought about it for a moment, then did something that surprised everyone. I controlled the shadows to make small lotus flower shaped shadows fall from the ceiling. Everyone looked up amazed, then looked towards me smiling. Just then the song changed to Demons by Imagine Dragons. Everyone paired up with a partner and started slowing dancing except for Nico, Leo, Auster, and me. Leo air danced with himself, Nico didnt dance, and Auster started walking towars me. As soon as he walked up to me I told him, "I dont make physical contact with anyone." His smile half fell, but he succeeded in keeping a small smile on his face. "That's completely fine. I wanted to compliment you on your shadow flowers though, they were beautiful." I was more than a little shocked "Thank you?" He laughed at my shock."Are you enjoying the party?" I shake my head a bit, "I don't dance, or go to parties really, so I'm not exactly feeling it." Auster frowned at this, then got a face that said he was thinking. All of a sudden he runs off to Leo. I blink my eyes a few times to adjust, as the room turns back in to workshop mode. There was a chorus of "Awwwwws" heard from the others. Leo's voice is heard, "Ok everyone! Now to start the next half of the party we will be having fun withour powers, everything in here is unbreakable so, enjoy yourselves!" I quickly shadow travel to sit on top of the metal beams that cover the ceiling. I watch as everyone starts messing around, until its a full out war with people getting drenched, flown around, shocked, shadow traveled, burned, charmed, and attacked by animals. I actually give a genuine smile when I see Nico shadow travel Spencer, Chase, and Auster up on to the beams with me, then go back down to keep fooling around. My smile has already faded away by the time they see me up here too, and sit down. "Hey Wolfe." Spencer says as she sits down next to me. Then Chase sits next to her and Auster sits on my other side. I don't respond, just nod my head, showing that I acknowledged that they were here. We watched the "fight" below us, while we laughed (excluding me), and joked around (once again excluding me). I smirked a few times at a couple jokes and said a few words when asked a question or was spoken to. By the end, it seemed as though I was actually their friend. Once it was 1 am, everyone got tired, so the party finished and everyone went back to their cabins without the harpies catching us. Once in our cabin, Nico and I got ready for bed and talked a bit. Nico looked at me while I was brushing my teeth. "So you and those other three kids? How's that going?" I spit out my remaining toothpaste and rinse my mouth. "How's what going Nico?" I reply in an exasperated tone. He stares at me with a frown. "You know what I mean Wolfe." I roll my eyes, getting annoyed, "I don't have friends, and I never will have friends." Nico stood up towering over me a little bit, since he was almost half a foot taller than me. "With that attitude, you sure won't have any friends." I glare at him "Good. I don't want any friends." Nico's temper seemed to snap at that point, his fists turned white from him clenching them, and his eyes turned dark black. "Damn it Wolfe! Why the hell do you do this? Why do you put up this wall? Why can't you be more like Hazel and Bianca?" He shouts at me. Then he looks shocked and guilty at himself. "Wolfe I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." I cut him off, furious, "Fuck you Nico. I knew that you thought I wasn't a good enough sister. I knew you would never like me as much as as your other sisters. I mean who would?! I'm a waste of space and a freak! More people are scared of me then you Nico! You know why I act like this, yet you still yell at me for it! I thought you were the one person, who wouldn't treat me like shit Nico. I guess I was wrong. Again." With that I shadow traveled out of the cabin, to my hideout in the forest. The hideout was a cave that was on the edge of the beach, a ways down from the camp's beach. When I got there, I collapsed on the floor. That's when the flashbacks started.

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