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After talking all day, I decided that I really did want to try having friends again. Ever since Dylan all those years ago, I haven't gotten close to anyone. And I felt really depressed because of that. They all fell asleep in my infirmary room with me. So I the morning when I hear a camera click and lots of snickering, I immediately wake up. When I open my eyes I notice the Seven and Nico with their phones out and giggling. Percy and Jason though, were fangirling like crazy in the corner pointing towards my left side. I look down to see that I'm hugging Auster's arm, while he is still asleep on the chair next or my bed. I freak out and jerk my arm away from his. I look around some more and see Spencer and Chase leaning against each other on the floor asleep. I look back to Nico, and he is giving me an evil smirk and he showed his phone's screen to me, just out of my reach. It was a picture me leaning my head against Auster's arm and hugging it. I reach to grab the phone, but he pulls it back just in time. "Give it to me you bastard!" I whisper about to him. "No." He whispers back with a smug voice, "I like that you're making friends....and other kinds of "friends". " I smirk at him, and his face pales, knowing I have something on him. "What do you have Wolfe?" I get out my phone and open a video. To be specific a certain video of a certain son Hades and another certain son of Poseidon in the forest, tackling each other, laughing, then kissing. I shake the phone at him, taunting him to try and grab it. He tries and I throw the phone at a shadow. It shadow travels to my dresser, in to a certain drawer that I knew Nico would never even try to open. He looks as if he's about to start hyperventilating. I try to calm him down, "Nico, it's fine. I just hid it somewhere in the cabin." He relaxes, then shoots me a glare. I turn towards Auster again and lightly punch his shoulder. He wakes up a few seconds later, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. "Wha?-" that's was when he saw everyone in the room. I have a sharp and loud whistle, waking the other two up. With in seconds all three of them were fully awake. An awkward silence fell over us until Auster's phone buzzed from a text. He grabbed it and stared at the screen for a second smiling. He showed it to me, "Uh, Wolfe? Whats this?" As soon as I see what's on his screen I jump up and tackle Nico, while everyone else is trying to pull me off him. Nico is grinning and yelling at the same time, "It wasn't me! It wasn't me!" I let go of it and stand up glaring at the Seven. "Who was it?" I growl through my clenched teeth. I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I flinch away. I look to see Auster, he doesn't seem fazed by my flinch. "Wolfe, I think it's ok. I like the picture." I feel anger rising up, "But I don't. That picture is a lie. The only way that picture would be true, is if you were someone else, someone who is now dead." I never saw him like I did. He dropped his arm and his face went blank, as if he didn't feel emotion anymore. The Seven looked shocked and Nico looked sad. I stormed out, but not before punching Leo in the stomach extremely hard for sending that photo. I stormed out with Spencer following me, I assumed Chase stayed to be with his best friend. I walk into Cabin 13, Spencer trailing right after me. I sat on my bed, waiting for Spencer to yell at me for being like that with Auster. Except it doesn't come. Spencer sits on the floor in front of me. with her ever curious eyes. "Why did you get that reaction to such a small thing?" she questions me. I sigh looking at her, "Because that picture was implying that Auster and I like each other." One of her eyebrows quirk up, "Don't you?" I look down. "No. Maybe. I don't even know anymore! I do know that I couldn't ever like Auster or anyone completely. Also I know no one could ever like me in that way again, not the way I am now." Spencer looks like she wanted to contradict my last statement, but instead she starts by asking about me. "Why couldn't you ever like anyone completely?" I feel one tear try to worm its way through my eye, but I force it back. "Because I'm still not over the first person I fell in love with, and I don't think I ever will be." Spencer seems to instantly figure out who I'm mentioning. "You're talking about the boy who died in your arms." I make myself a blank slate and start talking in a more bored, monotone voice. "Yeah, his name was Dylan. He was my best friend and my crush. We did everything together, movie nights, study sessions, sleepovers even. Then one night about two weeks before freshman homecoming, he was walking me to where I lived. We were about five minutes away when he stopped walking. At the time he towered over me, being a little over a full foot taller. He tried asking me a question, but he saw something come out from behind me. He pushed me out of the way but I still got a scratch across my whole back. That was nothing though, compared to the price Dylan paid. It had been the Minotaur that attached us, and with its horns it had stabbed Dylan right through his stomach. The Minotaur disappeared after that, and left me with Dylan bleeding out in my arms. The last thing he told me was that he loved me and to never forget that. Now do you see why I could never love somebody else? I made a promise, one that I will never break." Spencer had a tear streak down her face, so I assumed she cried at some point during my story. "Wolfe, you may have made a promise to Dylan but do you really think he meant you to interpret it like this? He would want you to know he loved you, yes, but he would also want you to be happy. Not to wallow in sorrow over him for the rest of your life." I stayed silent at her words. I wanted to get angry at her for trying to act like she knew Dylan, but I couldn't. I couldn't get mad at her, because I knew she was right. I didn't want her to be right, I wanted to always love Dylan, no matter what, and never have anyone stand in my way for doing so. I was thinking so hard that I didn't notice when Spencer went to the door and let Auster inside, while she walked out of the cabin. "Wolfe." Once again that simple name gave me a weird feeling, as if when he said it, he was talking to me as if nothing else existed in the universe besides me. I don't look at him, I just continue to study the pattern of the wrinkles on my bedsheets. "Wolfe." I still didn't look up, but it was so hard. It was like he was charm speaking me with only my own name. "I want to talk to you, will you please look at me?" I stay in the same position, since I'm my stubborn self. I feel him grab my arm and pulled me off the bed. Then right in to his lap.

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