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It was the day after the kiss with Auster, and he had invited me to go down to  stand on the pier with him. The sun was high in the sky, yet it was only us on the beach at all. That is until Chase came running away from Spencer and jumped in to the water, Spencer following close behind. They splashed each other and laughed like children, while Auster and I just sat calmly doing not much of anything. That is until Auster grabbed my arm and teased about throwing me in to the water. That's when I jabbed an elbow in to his stomach. To try and block the force of the blow, he automatically tighter his abs, making me smirk. "So you have abs?" I ask him, poking him softly in the stomach with my index finger. He chuckles in a half joking tone, "Why? You want to see them?" I tried my best to try and see if he was joking or not, but I couldn't tell. "Uhhhh...." I stuttered out, not knowing what to say. He chuckles again, "Loss for words?" I make exaggerated scoffing noises. "Pshft..huh..no.....maybe." Auster smirked, stretching his arms up, so that his t-shirt rose up enough to show his v-line."Is that a yes , or maybe you're in denial?" I take a quick glance at where his shirt started rising, sucked in a sharp breath, then looked anywhere except at him. "Something wrong?" he questioned sarcastically, trying to hold in his laughter. "Okay." He nodded slightly. "You know it's getting pretty hot. maybe I should take my shirt off to cool down." I shook my head a little frantically, looking towards the ground. "No, no, no, no it's fine out here, no need for removing clothing..." He smirks and stops stretching, "Okay then." I bite my lip while continuing to look at the ground, mumbling quietly, "But..... you know it is kind of getting hot..." "Oh really? What are you implying, Angel?" he asks. I blush a bit, refusing to make eye contact with him at all. "I d-don't know." I respond, absentmindedly fiddling with sleeve of the jacket I was wearing. "Are you sure, Angel?" He asks again, smiling. I don't bother to answer, knowing that I was going to sound like an idiot if I did. 'Stupid Auster and his stupid abs, stupid stupid stupid Wolfe, with no stupid social skills, and a stupid life.' I thought to myself. But what I didn't realize, is that I had said that all out loud. "Who cares about you social skills? And you are extremely smart, I know that for sure." I feel scared for a second, "I said all of that out loud?" He nodded looking a little amused. "Thats right Angel." I put my hands up to cover my face in embarrassment. "See? I can't even hold a real conversation without making a fool out of myself!" "But you look cute when you're embarrassed. Not that you look bad when you aren't." He states calmly, even though I see a slight blush appear on his cheeks. I just hug him, hiding my face in his shirt, since the top of my head only barely reached his collar bone. He tighter his abs once again, and kissed my forehead softly. I give a small breathy laugh, then I pull him in to tighter hug, so I could discreetly feel his abs. He flexes his eight pack over and over, just to tease me. I put my hand on his shirt then moved it over his eight pack, brushing her fingers over it lightly. "So you like my abs huh?" He asks smirking slightly once again. I drop my hand quickly saying nothing. "Still sure it isn't getting hot?" He asks willing his body heat to slowly rise. I take a step back from him as he warmed up. Taking a chance I glance at his face, then once at his shirt, lastly dropping my gaze back towards the ground my face heating up so bad, I'm sure I was as red as a Coke can. "I can't her you." He teases softly as his hands move slowly to the hem of his shirt. He begins to pull his shirt up, showing only his v-line again. I look this time, trying not to stare as the hem of his shirt starts rising. "If you don't want me to do this, you'll stop me now." I ended up not stopping him. I didn't even move as I held my breath from watching. He went slowly, so it took a full minute for him to finally pull it up to the top of his abs. I was barely breathing as I whisper to him, "You're such a tease." As he finally takes his shirt, he stands there smiling down, in a teasing way, at me in all his glory. I scowl and snatch his shirt away, "I'll be right back." I race to my cabin quickly and peel off my  black shirt and jeans. I dig around and find, buried under a mountain of black clothing, a pair of camouflage shorts. A pull them on and pull Auster's navy t-shirt over my head. The shirt goes all the way to my mid-thighs, so I tie the shirt in the corner of it and tuck it in to itself. I pull on my black converse and strap on my sword at my waist. I look in the mirror and check myself out. "Man, I should steal Auster's clothes more often. This looks great." I hear a surprised whistle from my door way. I turn thinking it was going to be Auster following, but instead I see Jason and Piper in the doorway. Jason smiles, "I don't think I've ever seen you in anything except black." Piper nudged him with an evil smirk on her face. "Well Jason, you know...Love changes you." I glare at her as Jason bursts in to laughter, towards Piper though, not me. "Piper? What the hell are you talking about? Wolfe? Is...dating? Someone else?" I roll my eyes at him and cross my arms in annoyance. "What? Is it so wrong to be happy too?"Jason looks shocked beyond belief and Piper is glaring at him too. "Jason! How could you be so rude?" He looks between the both of us, his mouth opening and closing like a guppy. "I-I... How was I supposed to know she's actually with someone?!" I yell back, "By not wearing your ass on your head, its not a hat!" Piper snickered at this, "Man Jason, I don't even need to yell at you, Wolfe's got it covered." "Damn straight I do, now apologize or leave because I've to get back Auster...MY BOYFRIEND!" I whip around only to crash into our audience, also known as Auster, who I crashed into, Nico, Percy, Spencer, Chase, Hazel, Frank, Annabeth, and Leo. Auster smirked, "Two things, One, You look amazing in that outfit and two..." He pulls me closer by my waist and his voice goes an octave deeper. "...I love my new title." I blush furiously and gently push him away, also realizing that he is still shirtless. Everyone's mouths hang wide open in shock except for Nico, Percy, and Piper's. Then one by one, the rest start sporting huge grins across their faces. I don't grin, because seriously, I think my face would break if I tried, but I do give a smile. "Uh, hey guys! I guess I should probably have told you that Auster is my new...boyfriend." Leo shouts from the back of the group, "Obviously!" Then he wolf whistles. "Shut up Leo!" I shout back at him. Then Percy shouts something, "Use protection!" I zero in on Percy's position and narrow my eyes. Auster notices and tries to stop me, but he's too late. I jump and tackle Percy, throttling him and shaking his head like crazy. I feel hands pulling on my arms, but I don't let go until I feel familiar hands wrap around my waist and tug me off Percy. Percy is cracking up like crazy and I'm out of breath and smiling. Everyone is staring at us like we're insane. Percy is laughing so hard he can barely breathe, "They...thought...you were...actually-" He starts laughing again. I look at the extremely confused demigods. "You guys are too gullible, we were joking! Percy and I have planned that prank for at least a couple days." Everyone just rolls there eyes as Leo pumps his hands in the air, cheering for our prank. Auster helps me off the ground smiling, "its great to see you getting out there. Actually having fun." I get close to him, forgetting that everyone is still around us. "Well you can thank yourself for that." With that I gave him a lasting kiss, that filled both of us with electricity. "Yeah Wolfe! Get some!" That was when I threw my shoe at Leo.

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