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She immediately puts a scowl on her face, "What do you think you're doing?" A faint rose flush appears on my cheeks. I quickly moved her on to the floor next to me. "Sorry." My hand rubbing at the back of my neck nervously. "I just came to ask you something." She was fidgeting on the ground still, from when I put her there. She nods for me to go on with my question. I take a deep breath, "I just wanted to know, back in the infirmary, why did you get so upset because of that picture?" She sighed, and zoned out as a response to my question, even though I didn't get an actual response. I was getting more nervous by the second, she only zoned out about a minute ago, but I was stilled worried. I tried to look in to her eyes, but they were directed at the ground. I put a hand on her shoulder, and for the first time ever, she didn't make me move it off. "Wolfe? are you ok?" She doesn't answer, nor does she move a muscle. She just stares at the ground, blankly. I move my hand and cup her face, then raised it up so my gaze was forced on hers. For what seems like hours, we just stare in to each others eyes, mine confused and questioning, hers broken and empty. While we stare my mind drifts off with a million thoughts going through it. 'I want to fix these broken eyes. I want to let her know that I will always be there for her. I want her to know that someone can still care for her in this way. But for me to do all this, I need to know the problems first.' The thing that breaks me out of the daze, is the sound of the dinner conch going off. 'Man, how long were we sitting there like that?' I think as I rise to my feet. I see Wolfe on the ground, still zoned out, but as I'm looking down at her face I realize something. Her eyes have prominent bags under them, and her face is pale and slightly sunken. I wrap her arm around my shoulders for support, then pick her up and set her on her bed. She looked at me with tired eyes and her blank face, then pointed back towards the ground. I walk off to go find Nico, so maybe he can help her out of her daze. I find him at the edge of the forest with Percy, both of them smiling goofily at each other, and discreetly holding hands. I raise an eyebrow and smile, happy for the two. "Nico? Could I talk to you for a minute?" They both jump from not noticing me before. Scared looks appear their faces, knowing that I found out their little secret. I try to calm them down a little, "Don't worry guys I won't tell anyone, but just so you know, you guys are extremely adorable together." Percy relaxes, and Nico's face relaxes at least, but his body is still tense. Nico studies my face, "So what did you want to talk to me about?" I scratch the back of my head and swallow nervously. "I wanted to talk about Wolfe." Percy made a small squeal, chocking noise, making Nico roll his eyes at him. Nico smirked but motioned for me to continue. "Well, we were not really talking in your cabin before, but I noticed she looks like she hasn't slept in days. I was kind of worried, because she seems in a daze and not really responsive." His smirk turns in to a look that I can't decipher. "Where is she now?" I nod toward his cabin, "I made her sit down on her bed, but she hasn't been responsive for at least an hour." He nods, then him and Percy give me a knowing look. Percy is the first one to speak up, "We know your feelings toward her Auster." I stare him down, just asking him to judge me or tell me off. Nico snorted when he saw my face, "Man Perce, careful what your next words are, cause I swear it looks like Auster is about to castrate you here and now." Percy paled a bit, but still kept a cocky smirk on his face. "We're just warning you Auster, that's going to be a hard road to go down. Also a very dangerous one. Nico has barely seen a glimpse of her past and its already hard for him to dig any deeper." I think long and hard on that. 'I'm I strong enough to put up with this drama? Will I be strong enough to be there for her every sep of the way?' It took me less than six seconds to come up with my answer. "I don't fucking care." I growl, almost scaring myself with my overprotectiveness. They both give me surprised, yet excited looks. They look at each other, having a conversation with their eyes only. I leave them as they keep having their silent conversation. I walk back to my cabin to get a few hours of sleep.

Just a couple hours later I wake up to the sound of someone thump down to the ground next to my bunk. I sit straight up to see Nico's slender frame standing next to my bed. "Nico? What the Hades man?" His eyes looked like he was so worried and frustrated that he could pull his hair out. I asked a question that I already knew the answer to, "What's wrong?" He looked at me out of breath and said two words "It's Wolfe." I scrambled out of bed and pulled on a plain black t-shirt, since I sleep with only pajama pants on. Nico grabs my shoulder and shadow travels me to his cabin. There I see Wolfe,whimpering and mumbling things, twisting and turning under her bed sheets. I look at Nico pointedly, as if asking what the heck is going on. He whispers now that they were closer to Wolfe. "I woke up to her having one of her nightmares, she was thrashing around, and shouting. The last thing she called out was your name, then she started whimpering and mumbling your name like this and hasn't stopped. I tried to calm her down for the past five minutes, but it hasn't been working. I figured that you should try comforting her." I was speechless as I listened closer to what Wolfe was saying. " no Auster..." I reach out a hand and brush a tear from her beautiful face. As soon as my hand made contact with her face, I saw a visible sigh as she leaned into my hand. I pulled my hand away, and she made a small whimper like a lost kitten. Nico's eyebrows were so far up his face at this, his bangs made it where you couldn't even see them anymore. he motioned for me to stay on the bed with her, then walked through another door, which I assumed went in to his room. I turn back toward's Wolfe and brush a loose strand of hair behind her ear. I mustered up all the courage I had and walked over to the bed. I climbed under the bed sheets and laid down next to Wolfe, with my arm wrapped around her waist. She turned in her sleep until her face was buried in my chest, and her legs brushing mine. With a smile on my face I start to drift off as I feel her small frame relax in to me. "Good night, Wolfe." I whisper to her before I fell in to a dreamless sleep.

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