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After last night, I finally calmed down when I saw a sliver of the morning sun though my dome of shadows. I took deep breaths and slowly the shadows reseeded. I felt exhausted from a mixture of using my powers all night and not sleeping. I wanted to sleep, but I couldn't go back to Cabin 13 and see Nico. I got up and walked back to camp, immediately heading towards the training arena. As I walked in I was glad to find it empty. I pulled out my sword and started hacking away, mutilating all the dummies in my radius. After about seven minutes though, I turned around to see all the dummies sliced and diced. Walking over to a water fountain, I take a long drink after the workout I just got. Just then I hear a voice, "Wow record time. I think the last record for that was Percy, Annabeth or Clarisse. It took them nineteen minutes to complete. What's your motive?" I turn around expecting Percy, or Jason, even maybe Leo, but not the person who was actually here. I hide the surprise I felt with a scowl. "What do you want Auster?" I growl darkly. I see a flash of hurt in his eyes. I immediate feel guilty, but I needed him to stay away from me. I try to take a step forward but I wobble a little; I grab on to the side of the water fountain. Auster quickly walked over. "Wolfe are you ok?" I shoot him a look that could kill most people. "I'm fine, get out of my way." I reply standing up and steadying myself a little bit. I take a few steps then collapse to the ground in exhaustion. Auster tries to catch me before I hit the ground, but fails, due to the fact that his hands fall right through me. "Oh my gods Wolfe! My hand just passed right through you! Stay right here, while I go get Will!" He runs off towards the infirmary, while I start feeling closer and closer to losing consciousness. By the time Auster gets there with Will, Chase, Spencer, Nico, and the Seven, I've almost passed out. With black clouding up in my vision and taking long breaths, I feel Will pour nectar in to my mouth. I taste Starbucks mocha frappachino, then everything fades into darkness.

When I wake up a keep my eyes closed still, just to relax. I use my other senses to check out where I am. I smell medicine and cleanly-ness, it's really quiet, I feel a blanket, a not very comfortable bed and someone holding hands with me, then I taste...wait a second! Rewind a bit, someone is holding my hand? My eyes fly open and look towards my right hand side. There I see Nico holding my hand tight and his forehead against the bed, all the while he's asleep. Then I look around the room some more. I see Spencer, and Auster also sleeping in the room. Using my my awesomeness, I manage to slip my hand out of Nico grasp, only to fall down when I try to get out of bed. My commotion wakes all three demigods up immediately. I frown from where I'm laying on the ground and glare at the two boys. "Aren't you going to put me back in bed already?" Then quickly rush over and place me back in the bed, while I give a loud huff. No one says anything, but I can see everyone's expressions. Nico's face was plastered with guilt, Auster's with worry, and Spencer's questioning and concerned. I finally break the silence. "Will you guys all stop putting your emotions all over your face? It's really bugging me." Spencer's face immidialaty relaxes and I give her a look of thanks. She slightly smiles at me then looks to the other two. Auster tries and fails, so instead he walks out of the room and I hear and "thump" as he sits against the door outside. Nico's face doesn't change though. He just looks at me and stares. I look at his eyes for a second then look up at Spencer, "Could you excuse us minute please?" She nodded and walked out, having to hit Auster a few times with it so he move. After another few seconds, two "thump thumps" are heard signaling that both demigods were sitting against the door. When I look back to Nico, he is still staring at me. "What do you want Nico?" It almost seemed as if you could visually see him deflate when he heard my tone of voice. "Wolfe, I'm so sorry, I never meant any of the things I said! You are more a sister than Hazel or Bianca has been or ever will be. And I understand why you don't want anyone to get close to you or vice versa. Please could you forgive me?" I looked at him coldly "I forgive you, but from now on I will refuse to acknowledge that I have people who want to be my friend. You have to respect my decisions and not question them. Do you understand?" He nods, looking happy, yet a small frown still on his face. He leaves the room and Auster, Spencer, And Chase walk in. I keep a stone, emotionless face as they walk in. They all look upset and Auster looks like he was almost crying. Spencer is the first to speak, her voice laced with intelligence and curiosity. "Why do you not want friends?" She keeps her piercing gaze on my eyes, I stare right back at her with my death glare. I respond slowly, "I don't keep friends for long, so what's the point? Spencer narrows her eyes and continues staring. I returned the favor to her and the other two boys. I felt shadows start creeping towards me again, as I got more frustrated. Auster's face hardened, "Wolfe, stop. Friends or not, I don't want to see you fade away." I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath. I could feel the shadows recede, but still waiting until I got upset again. When I opened my eyes I knew my eyes held something dark and cold in them. The same thing that always scared everyone away. Spencer and Chase took a step back, but Auster stood his ground. "Wolfe." That was all it took. I looked away, lowering my head towards my lap and spoke. "I can't have friends. I physically and mentally can't. So please leave." Auster's hand caught fire, at first I was confused, until I saw him stick his hand into one of the shadows that had started creeping back. I watched, amazed as the shadow melted away, and the room became warm and comfy. I sighed in relief to the warmth. "I haven't this comfortable in years." Auster gave a sad smile, "This is what friends can give you." I tensed up, "Auster. I need you to get this through your head. You three are not, nor ever will be my friends. Neither will anyone else that lives in this world." Auster seemed to snap finally after everything. "Shit! Wolfe! This is what we're trying to tell you! We are going to be your friends no matter what you say! That is the whole point of friends, for them to always be by your side." Spencer then stepped forward. "Wolfe, we all see you as our friend. How about we just try first, and then if it's not working out for you, then we will back off." Chase nodded in agreement with the two. I sat up straight and looked all three in the eye, I stared so hard, it probably seemed as if I was looking for their souls. "I want you all to listen closely. I don't want friends for one reason." I say deathly calm. "THE FACT THAT ANY FRIEND OR FAMILY I'VE EVER HAD IS DEAD, DAMN IT!" I shout. They all have a small jump when I shouted. I continued shouting. "DID YOU GUYS HAVE YOU MOTHER AND BROTHER RIPPED TO SHREDS IN FRONT OF YOUR FUCKING EYES? DID YOU GUYS WATCH YOUR FIRST FRIEND GET HIT SO HARD THAT ALL THE BONES IN HER BODY WERE PULVERIZED? DID YOU GUYS WATCH AS THE ONE PERSON YOU EVER LOVED, DIED IN YOUR ARMS? THAT IS WHY I DONT WANT FRIENDS OR ANYONE CLOSE TO ME! DO YOU FINALLY UNDERSTAND?" I'm breathing heavily from all the shouting. Spencer was studying me, Chase was looking at the floor and Auster seemed shattered. Spencer spoke up, "I still want to try. We are demigods. If we get killed no big deal, we get killed together. How about we all just try. Please Wolfe? Could you just try?" I was speechless, even hearing all the things that ever happened to anyone who ever tried to get close to me, and she still wanted to be friends. I finally nodded slowly still shocked, "fine." With that everyone looked happy. They all sat by my bed, and we talked for the rest of the day.

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