Chapter 6

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Kate's POV

I decided to call Liam and see if he would like to see me again. Knowing that he probably did, I proceeded to call him. 

Things went smoothly and we're meeting up Thursday after school, since I don't work.

My day went by slow, it's always slow on Tuesday's. As I was cleaning up before I closed up,I hear a familiar voice inside the shop. 

I jump not realizing anyone walked in, I turn around and see Garrett standing there with a big grin on his face.

"Garrett! Uh, What are you doing here? " i say fixing my hair quickly. 

"Just figured I'd take you home.. And maybe spend a little time with you before you.. Uh.. Actually Go home." He says awkwardly emphasizing the "go" in his statement.  

"Oh,alright then, give me a second.." 

I grab all of my stuff and walk out of the store locking the door behind me. 

"Come on Garre Bear" i say smiling. 

He walks me to his car and opens the door for me. 

It's sort of hard to see his attractive features considering it's really late. 

Garrett has always been so cute. He's got dirty blonde short hair,and pretty hazel eyes. He's always been much taller than me.. Which I like.

I thank him and get into his car. I look around and make observations. His car is really clean, which makes me giggle. 

He gets in and turns on the car. I didn't even realize how late it was.

After a while of driving he finally speaks. He clears his throat "Kate, I've really missed you.." 

"I- I have missed you too Garrett." I say awkwardly. 

I actually HAVE missed him.  

He looks at me and then moves his eyes to my hand.  

"I guess I just didn't know how important you were to me. So, I just wanted to make things right.. And,and, well.. Normal again." I smile at him blushing. 

He takes my hand into his own which makes me jump. 

We just sit there quietly until we reach my driveway. 

He turns the car off, and fidgets with his hands. 

I look at him funny "You're making this more awkward than it should be Garrett" I laugh. 

"Sorry..i.. Sorry" he blushes.

"Thanks for driving me home, have a good night" I say, reaching over and kissing his cheek. 

He gives me a weak smile, and I walk up to my door, unlock it, and continue walking in. Garrett hasn't pulled out of the driveway yet, so I try to rush inside.

My mom confronts me at the door "So.. You and Garrett,eh?"  

"What! No. He just.. He was just giving me a ride home..." 

She gives me that -mhm-sure- look and replies with "and.. driving you to school..and calling you..". 

"MOM!" I say blushing, and walking to my room. 

Just then I get a text message.

Liam: Hey Kate! How's it been? Are you excited for Thursday?!

I remember that we planned a date and quickly feel my heart race pick up. 

It was only yesterday that I found out he was part of a world famous boy band. 

What even is life?!

I tried to play it off like I had no clue. Because if I end up liking him, I wouldn't want him to think I only like him because he's famous..

I reply to his text with "Hey Liam! I just got home, and actually yes! I can't wait!"

And we text each other like that for the rest of the night. He's so polite and nice.  

I finally have to tell him goodnight because I have school tomorrow. 

I honestly can't wait until Thursday.

But Garrett.. I sigh loudly. I can't help but feel bad for him.. What if he really does like me?

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