Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Longer Chapter?(:

Kates POV

Today went by slow at work. My arm is sore from repeatedly wiping the already clean tables down. I had to look busy,okay?

I was getting off soon,so I put a fake smile on while the new customers came in. It was a shorter girl and her mom. At least I guessed it was her mom.

"Hello, ladies.. What can I get ya?" I say in the fake barbie voice my boss makes me use. I'm starting to sound as fake as my co-worker Lindsey REALLY is.

The girl cocks her head and bites her lip. "Are you.. Kate..Barren..?"

I look at my name tag. "Why, yes I am!" I grin. "YOU'RE WITH LIAM PAYNE,ARENT YOU?!" She asked excitedly.

Liam never told me to keep quiet, so I nodded. She was cute.

"He's so cute! Is he cute in person too?!" She asks. She gets a swat from her mom.

"He sure is!" I say over my shoulder while making her hot chocolate.

I hand them their drinks and wave goodbye to the girl.

It's time to leave work, so I clean up and grab my purse.

Just then my "lovely" co-worker bumps into me. The tension is crazy around her. She's tried to get with Garrett ever since Middle School.

I take the long way to walk home,because I decide to call Liam.

"Come on.. Answer.." I mutter to myself as I walk.

"Or.. Just don't answer" i say sarcastically as soon as it goes to voice mail. His voice-mail is extremely perfect.

It's Louis,Niall,Zayn, and Harry talking in unison: "HELLO. You've reached Liam Payneee-Poo's Voice-Mail. Please leave a message!!" And then Harry says "UNLESS YOURE HOT. THEN CALL ME!"

Perfect voicemail, right? I thought so too.

I get home and am welcomed by an empty house. There's exactly two weeks until we make the big move to the UK.

Happy times!


"Damn it,Louis.." Zayn says while looking at a map. "You.. Well, I think you missed the turn."

We're secretly house searching..and Louis can't drive for the life of me.

I pat Zayn's shoulder because he's stressed with having to tell Louis the directions.

"Maybe you should just let me drive?" Harry suggests.

The whole car laughs, and Harry gets red.

"Yepp. Right into Victoria's Secret.." Says Niall.

"We're here! I think.." Says Louis as he takes off his seatbelt.

We've seen about four houses and none of them seemed to have 'that charm'.

This house is two stories, with a wrap around balcony. Clearly it's big, but can it handle these boys? I think to myself.

The house itself is white, and has gray trim. There's a lady who's been helping us tour around the houses. She's driving separately, since she fears Louis can't drive.

"Well.. As you see the flooring is hard wood, and to your left is the stairway to the second floor.." She starts.

We all gasp quietly and we get further through the house.

"Is that the kitchen..?" Niall asks obviously.

"Yes sir, and it's equip with a large double door fridge, and an island counter.. It's all marble as well!" She explains to us but more towards Niall. "Holy hell,mate." Zayn says in awe at me.

" Further down into the living room area is a stone fireplace and full windows. As we move past this, you can see that there are two rooms on the bottom floor as well as a bathroom.." She says in her Aussie accent.

They're actually pretty big rooms. Which is good,since there will be ten people living here.

Louis runs upstairs and we follow.

"Wow" I mouth to them.

We find out that there are six other bed rooms on the top floor, and four bathrooms. All together five bathrooms and eight bedrooms. Obviously they're all big enough for the couples to have a room together.

She's done giving us a tour and we all ask for a minute alone to talk about this house.

"I say we buy it,like, right now" Harry says slowly.

"Yeah! Me too!" Louis nods

"Calm down.. We need to make sure of this.."

"Well. It has enough room,and extra. Plus a big kitchen, and dining area.." Zayn adds. "There's an extra room for a little studio.. So we can always do some practice!!" Niall grins.

"Okay, boys. This is perfect right? Even the backyard?" I ask intently.

Harry gives me a thumbs up.

Alright. This is it. This is where we start our family. All of us. I examine the floors and the wall,and embrace the smell of paint, smiling to myself.

We payed cash, on spot after calling our manager and making calls to family about our new buy.

Of course we didn't call the girls. That'd ruin the surprise.


(Zayns POV)

I can't even explain my happiness. Even though this is all so soon, we'd all still work out as friends and roommates even if dating doesn't go well. We pick out our rooms. I take the room beside Louis'. I feel bad for him, but he'll be okay once I buy ear plugs. That's Vas Gon' be happenin'.

The second floor wraps around in a half circle and there are rails, that let you see below. It's beautiful,really.

We have less than two weeks to blow our money and get the house furnished, and move our items from our flat to the house. Louis decides it would be easier to hire movers, and we all agree. What do we look like? We, or at least I am, too good looking to be lifting heavy objects!


1 Week later

(Destinies POV)

"Austin! Stop popping the bubble wrap!!" I screech at him. "You're so cranky.." he frowns.

"Well, we just need to get the last few items packed, so we can send them off. Sorry.." I say and wrap my arms around him, resting my head on his chest. I think all of the girls are stressed.

None of us have actually moved so far away. My phone rings. I get red at the ringtone.

"Hello?" I ask. I didn't check the caller ID.

"Hey! Almost packed everything?" I hear a familiar voice say. Clearly it's Kate.

"Yeah! Austin and I are very excited.. So, did you hear anything from Liam?" I ask her. "Yeah. He's been normal. I think he's hiding something.. But how bad can it be? It's Liam.." She laughs.

True. Liam seems incapable of being a bad person.

We talk but then I get distracted by Austin dropping, and shattering something. "Oh my gosh.. I gotta go! Austin is Mr.Butter fingers at the moment!" I say as a joke.

" I HEARD THAT.. It was just a cup, like, no dig deal babe." He shrugs. Ugh. Boys.


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