Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 (Kate's POV)

After last night’s fight with Liam, I only remember storming off into my room and crying myself to sleep. I can’t even handle getting up today. I try and ignore the constant texts and phone calls but it’s really hard…and it’s not helping me clear my mind.

I just wanted to know the truth about Liam, I think if he would have told me about his career, it would’ve ended a lot better last night. Was I overreacting? No. Should I talk it through with him? Maybe. Sleeping last night was NOT easy to say the least.

I get out from under my duvet, and rub the sleep from my eyes. Finally, I wash my face and try to make sense of my hair. I hear quiet voices down stairs, but I can’t understand anything. Who’s here?  I walk down my stairs, slowly and listen.

“Thanks Mrs. Barren. I really just need to come here and fix things. I wish things could have been different last night...” I hear a voice say grievingly.

I was successful at being quiet, until my phone started ringing in my pocket. “Shit!” I whisper while jumping and grabbing for my phone.

I quickly pounced back upstairs, and into my room. Almost in one swift moment. I look at my phone curious who it is this time; Bridgette.

Although she’s my best friend, she has such bad timing. 

“What?!” I hiss into the phone.

“Hello to you too, bitch-face.. What’s wrong with you?” Bridgette replied

“Gosh, Bridgette. Where are you when I need you! I’m having such crazy emotional problems.”

“Well, enough about you” she joked “I’m in town, actually... I’m pulling into your driveway. Surprise!” she said, and hung up.

I quickly changed into some shorts and a tank top, to get out of my sleep clothes and ran down stairs. I forgot about the other person who was here as well, and was met with the most awkward scene of my life.

I see Liam to the right sitting on the stool at the bar table with an extremely red face and Bridgette to my left in utter shock, and my mom nowhere in sight.        “Li…Liam. Payne. Liam Payne… He’s in your house. LIAM PAYNE IS IN YOUR HOUSE KATE. LIAM PAYNE!” She screams while dropping her luggage and starts fanning her face with her hand. 

He looks at me and I give him the I’m-sorry-she’s-weird face. He laughs at my expression.

Liam clears his throat and smiles “And you might be?” he asks. I cut in and say “Liam, this is Bridgette, the friend I told you about. She decided to stop by, rather randomly.” I say emphasizing the “randomly”.

Bridgette’s dark auburn hair stood out more than usual. I suppose she re-dyed it recently. She has curves, and long legs covered by a light pink t-shirt and shorts, and vans on her feet.  Liam quickly gets up and proceeds to walk towards her, he sticks out his hand for a hand shake and she seems to ignore that all together, and gives him a hug. “Nice to meet you Liam” she says in one breath.

“Well, mind telling me why a world famous boy-band member is lounging around YOUR house…?” she asks intently. “I was just stopping by to make stuff right with Kate…She-“he doesn’t get to finish before I cut in “He’s here so we can have a chat, is all”. I give her the get-lost look and she winks at us and heads upstairs with her luggage.


Liam’s POV-

I get startled when a tall girl with dark red hair barges into Kate’s home, while I patiently sat there waiting for her to come downstairs. She thinks I didn’t hear her creeping down the stairs while I was talking to her mum. Silly.

Does she live here? She stops and her mouth opens wide at the sight of me. Am I ugly? All I was here for was to get to talk things out with Kate and make things right. Soon Kate comes down stairs and sees us both.  I realize its Bridgette. I’ve heard so much and even at the age of 18, she’s a fan. Thank god for older fans.  She looks like Harry’s type. But hey who knows.

Bridgette disappears upstairs and I take in the beautiful sight of Kate, in her most natural state. I breathe out, and take a few steps toward her. “I’m so sorry Liam. I just wanted to know about your-“ I didn’t want to hear why she was sorry. I could just tell. Suddenly I put my hands around her waist and pulled her against me and pressed my lips to hers.  Everything from there, was blocked out. I concentrated on nothing but our lips. My lips against hers. It felt like forever but it truly only lasted a few seconds, until our lips separated and I was left there looking into her eyes. “Don’t ever apologize for something when you’re not at fault.” I say. “Kate. I really like you, and I should have told you for the start. I am in a band. I am famous. I am The Liam Payne. But that won’t stop me from liking you…” she nods and smiles back. Although she looks shocked I can tell she understands. I hug her there, for a few moments longer and we pull apart from each other.


Kate’s POV-

Wow. What was just said to me, won’t be forgotten. Ever.

“Don’t ever apologize for something when you’re not at fault. Kate. I really like you, and I should have told you for the start. I am in a band. I am famous. I am The Liam Payne. But that won’t stop me from liking you.” That was all I need to hear. I’m falling for Liam Payne.

After our emotional “bonding” time I remember that Bridgette was here, and I hadn’t seen her in ages! I grab Liam’s hand and guide him upstairs behind me to see my best friend. She’s in our spare bedroom, unpacking and adding things to the room to make it her own on her short stay. I drop Liam’s hand and tackle her with hugs and we scream non-understandable words at each other. After hugging and laughing and screaming for God knows how long, I turn to see Liam laughing to himself.  He gets a phone call and quickly answers it. I assume it’s one of his band members. “Ey, Lou. What’s up? He says into the phone with a semi-deep British accent. I don’t know how the phone call continues but Liam ends the call and gives me a sad look. “I have to go. The boys need me, we’re doing an interview. But I’ll call you later. I promise”. He says, then looks to Bridgette “Nice meeting you, Bridge…Britt…Bridgette! Bad with names, Sorry. Anyways, before we leave back to the UK, we’ll have to get you to meet the boys. They’ll enjoy you.” He says to her while sharing a quick hug with both of us and then leaves from the room.

That’s when it clicks. Liam doesn’t live here. He’s just on tour…I won’t be able to see him after this. I look to my friend and it seems as though she knows what on my mind.  She quietly says “…when he goes back to the UK?” basically repeating what he said, processing it. “Kate! I’m sorry” she continues. “Hey. At least I can say I fell in love for a week, But I hope we’ll see each other more after this. He basically confessed his LOVE for me down stairs!” I exaggerate and we laugh.

Bridgette’s eyes open wide and she starts to grin. “KIAM! I SHIP KIAM!” she laughs. Wow. I missed her... and I was already missing Liam.

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