Chapter 22

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(Liams POV)

"Come on.. Breathe,Kate..Please.. Breathe!" I say while I sit beside her as  she lays on the stretcher in the back of the ambulance. Kate's been sick for several days, and I don't know what's been wrong. It's been about four months since we found about her pregnancy, and things have been normal. Granted we have been gone for a few weeks for small gigs, and meet ups..but I've never noticed anything being wrong until lately. Her skin which was once a light brown, is now pale. Her once full body is now weak and thin. Only in a matter of days.

I painfully wait through the ride to the hospital and pray that our daughter will be okay, and that Kate will be fine.. and this is all a dream. When we get to the hospitals the medics tell me to go wait inside, even though I argued. I go inside as they pull Kate out, and into the hospital. I try to explain to them that she's pregnant, and that they need to be careful with her.  After letting out any extra tears I had, the boys soon piled in through the hospital doors. Bridgette was in tears along with several others.

"Heard anything?" Louis asked looking extremely tired. It is three in the morning after all.

I shook my head, with a sigh. "She just collapsed.. I don't know..We were watching TV..and she went to go to bed.. and she just fell.." I tried to explain but I couldn't. I was so scared. I loved this girl with my life. The fans loved her, they already loved our child, my family loves her, the boys love her, but I love her most of all. The ring that I bought says so. I didn't know when I was going to propose but I knew damn sure that I was going to.

A nurse, came out to tell us her progress, I assume.  "Hello, Are you Mister Payne?", I nodded yes and stood up, awaiting the news. "Come this way.." She said. I turned to give the boys a look, and they all gave me a forced smile.

I knew it was late but I needed to know what was wrong, and why the HELL we were going through this. The nurse lead me down a dark hall way. "We don't usually allow visitors after ten..but you're an exception.." she tiredly said opening the door that lead to Kate. Grabbing the clipboard, she furrowed her eyebrows at the paper. Which made me do the same. "Mrs..Barren..? You've got an appointment lined up for a sonogram tomorrow, your blood pressure is normal.. Your heart rate..Normal.." she mumbled through Kate's information paper and excused herself.

I grabbed her hand, she was now awake. "Liam..They said she chances of us keeping her are slim..what, what am I going to do?" She said through tears. She was referring to our unborn daughter. I tried to reassure her that everything would be fine, and that we'd lead a healthy life. But hell, how did I know? I was just as scared as she was. I could see it now; Taking her to her first day of school and holding back the tears, or playing with her at the park with the mates..Telling Uncle Louis to be careful. I wanted that. I wanted all of it.

I held her hand tight, as she winced at a sudden stomach pain. "Remember when we met?" I questioned her, as she tiredly nodded. "You..You were such a good barista, I couldn't help but see you again." I said joking. Thinking about it brought joy, and that's all I wanted.


(Zayn's POV)

We all sat out in the lobby, some of us asleep, some of us worried. We stayed together though, for the two hours that Liam was in Kate's room. I held Bridgette as she slept against my chest in the quiet waiting room. Louis and Harry were wrapped in each others arms asleep, and Marley and Niall sat talking, only above a whisper.

After what seemed like ages, Liam arrived again. He said she was doing better.. but didn't know many details. We all waved goodbye to theodd nurse at the desk and took separate taxi's home. We were tired, so very tired.

The paps were all over us, and it seemed as though there was no room to breathe. As the taxi reached our home, I grabbed onto Bridgette's hand and we went inside. She tried to pull me in bed with her, but I was irritable, and didn't really want to be touched. I denied her actions and decided to sleep on the couch. Alone.

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