Chapter 17

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(Kate's POV)

I get off the couch, during my day of relaxation. The boys are leaving tomorrow, so Liam and I decided to have a personal day. My phone was ranging and I see it's from my mother, who I haven't seemed to talk to in a while. " Hello!" I say into the phone cheerfully, but my expression quickly changes when  get news of something terrible.

" Kate, we need you back down here, Garrett.. he.. he got in an accident. Says he won't speak without you by his side.." My mother informs me on this news and I cover my mouth to block out the cries.

Of curse even if I didn't want to be with him I still cared for him and it hurts me to know that he's been hurt. I try to make it less obvious, so I walk into the kitchen and sit down at the table, tears streaming down my face. "What happened? Do you know?" I ask shakily. 

"Honey, all we know is that he was leaving the airport, and his passenger seat was completely smashed in. The doctors say he's only getting worse." She sighs. "Alright, I'll book a flight, I'll be there as soon as I can." I say trying to make words of my sobs.

I turn to run out of the kitchen, but slam right into an upset Liam. I quickly cover my face to hide my red eyes.

" Kate...Where are you going?" He questions in a whisper. "Liam, It's Garrett. He got into some sort of accident, I have to go back. At least for a week or so, you know, to help him." I say to Liam sniffling.   "What? Kate, you can't go back there! He gives me bad feelings, please just don't. I know he's your friend but I just don't feel right about it.." He says calmly, trying to convince me that I'll be okay by rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

I turn away with anger, and soon the sadness is replaced with anger. " How could you say that? There's no questions, Liam. I'm going back, and your opinion won't be needed." I clarify.

I brush past him and make a call to the airline company to book a flight to New Hampshire tomorrow. The same day the boys leave.  I give news to Marley, Destinie, and Bridgette. They seem to understand, and wish me luck.

I run into Louis' room, because I know he'd understand too. "Louis, I need help." I say in one breath. "Have a seat, and let's talk, yeah?" He smiles. There's no point in hiding anything. Especially not from Louis. I tell him about mine and Garrett's past friendship, how I just left without telling him goodbye, Liam not wanting me to go and eventually the tears occur once more. He seems a tad bit shocked, by what he just had to take in. "I say you go ,Kate. He deserves a decent "goodbye", and to see his friend again when he needs her. Her, being you. Besides, you're NOT staying for good, you live with me. Actually you live with us. Liam will understand eventually.." Louis says. He says it in such a way that I have all confidence in myself. "Oh my gosh, thanks so much Louis!" I grin and hug him tightly before leaving to pack.

Walking to my room, I pack enough of everything for a week. Still upset with Liam, I don't bother him for the rest of the night despite the fact that I won't see him for at least a month and a half. 

Eventually after laying in bed, and doing everything to avoid Liam, such as Twitter, and shopping on Wanelo, I go and visit him in hopes that we can talk this out.. He's somewhere in this house, just not in our room. I check the living room, and kitchen, as well as the outside patio. Disappointed and about to give up, I walk by the so-called "studio". I stop in my tracks after hearing voice. My heart beats quickly, and I remain still. I recognize Liam's voice, as the one singing a song that's quite familiar with me.

" I'll leave the door on the latch

If you ever come back- if you ever come back

There'll be a light in the hall and a key under the mat

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