Chapter 19

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(Marley's POV)

I wake up to the sound of the TV in the living room.

What the heck, really? Is there any specific reason these tards feel the need to turn the volume up that loud? I roll out from under my covers, not fixing my hair or looking at myself , and walk down stairs to the source of the noise. Besides there's no one to empress anyways..

I walk sloth-like to the living room to see Destinie and Austin on the couch. "Oh my gosh! Marley! Come look! They're on TV!" Destinie squeals. I furrow my eyebrows and direct my attention towards the large TV, seeing our very own One Direction. I didn't know they were doing interviews...but okay. I make myself comfortable nervously fumbling with my fingers. "Nice hairstyle.." Austin jokes, and I reply with rolling my eyes.

Interviewer: "So, who out of you have girlfriends? Hmm.. Everyone but Niall?"

Niall blushes "Well, yet.. You know how I am, I like to take things slow" the blond says while Harry hip thrusts behind him.

I feel myself blush and glance over to Destinie, who is already staring at me with an eyebrow raised.

Interviewer: "Zayn, there has been rumors that you're living with more than just yourselves? Mind telling us about this? Confirm or deny??"

You can literally see Zayn's tan skin go pale, and he clears his throat, bringing himself closer to the microphone. He goes to speak but Harry clearly tries to change the subject by starting a tickle fight with Louis. As the boys laughs, Zayn does too and the color in his face comes back.

"Ah! Stop it Harry!" Louis screams, his voice hard to hear because he wasn't talking into the microphone.

Zayn still looking at the funny "Larry" moment, cuts in by saying "This is why  I love these boys.." He says while laughing.

The interviewer sees that they try to change the subject so he continues with his questions. Interviewer: "Liam, What would you say to anyone with relationship problems? Do you have any advice?"

"Erm, yeah" he fake smiles, probably thinking about Kate "Always treat your lady friend with respect and hear her out, and if you don't work out, you just don't. Don't try and look for the right one, she comes naturally.. almost out of nowhere! Never let her go once you find her!" He blushes and gets giggles from the boys.

"Well.. That was damn perfect.." Bridgette dreamily grins from the other side of the room. I didn't even notice her get there. "Yeah, Looks like someone might get a boyfriend soon?" Destinie laughs. 


My back pocket begins vibrating. "Hold on..Kate's calling." I mutter.

"Hey Kate! I missed you! How's it going..? What're you doing? Tell us!" We all chime in.

"Guys, it is NOT good. Not good at all.. I should be home within the next day or so, okay? Don't be worried about me okay? " Kate says tiredly into the phone.

"What happened?!" Bridgette says yanking the phone from me.

"Ugh, fine! We'll see you soon! Be safe! We love you!" and with that she hung up the phone and sighed.

Destinie and Austin gave her a questioning look, and Bridgette says "Guys, obviously something bad happened, we're picking her up tomorrow. NO one is telling Liam, got it?!" She warns and we all nod.

Keeping something from Liam in the first place is not good, but we'll just have to see what happens. Everyone went their separate way leaving me alone in the living room. Austin took Destinie out for lunch, and Bridgette went to facetime Zayn.

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