Chapter 8: Family Affairs

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The next morning I woke up to Tatem screaming from her nursery. I slowly rolled Aspen over and made it out of bed. When I got to Tatem's room I got her out of her crib and decided to give her a bath. She was meeting her father today she had to look good.

"Maya, let me do that you go get ready for your spa time," Karen offered as she walked into the bathroom. "Are you sure?" I asked her. "I'm positive," she smiled. I let Karen take over and then went to my bathroom to clean up and get ready to go. I packed an outfit to change into after my time at the spa, I was going to meet Karen and the girls at the rehab center so I wouldn't have time to come back and change.

(Liam's POV)

"Liam, we have the family room all set up for your family to come visit. How are you feeling?" The nurse said. "Very nervous," I told her as I ate my breakfast. "It will be fine, you will love having time with them," she told me. "I'm meeting my youngest for the first time today," I told her. "Why is this the first time? I see your oldest here all the time," she mentioned.

"It's a long story," I sigh and I wasn't in the mood to tell the story. "How old is she?" She asked. "About 5 months," I smiled. "They sure grow fast and Aspen is almost five?" She recalled, Yes, my little monkey is growing up fast," I sigh. "What is your goal for the day?" She asked me.

Each day we had to set a goal we wanted to archive by the end of the day, I used to think it was pointless but now I'm starting to see it really helps me grow and achieve my long term goal. "To enjoy the day with my family," I smiled.

A few hours later I was told my family was waiting for me in the private family room. I checked myself over in the mirror and then headed down there.  "Daddy!!!!" Aspen cried as she ran to me. Tears filled my eyes. I missed her so much I couldn't wait to be home with her again. I picked her up and spun her around. "How is my little monkey today?" I asked her. "Good! Grandma made pancakes for breakfast and she told me I get to spend so much more time with you today!" She cheered.

I caught Maya out of the corner of my eye. She was glowing. She smiled at me and I smiled back. "That is the plan," I smiled at Aspen.  "Liam, it's great to see you!" My mother said as she hugged me. "It's great to see you too,mum," I smiled. "Grandma!" Aspen cried.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "She stole my hug!" Aspen pouted. "Sorry bug!" My mom laughed. I put Aspen down and walked over to Maya.

"Lee, I want you to meet your daughter Tatem," she smiled at me. I smiled tears instantly filled my eyes. I have waited for this moment for far too long. Maya handed her to me and I held her tight but not right enough to squish her. She smiled up at me and I started to cry. "What's wrong?" Maya stepped closer and asked me.

"I want to make a change for her and Aspen. I want to be their father and be in their lives and take them to school and do all things dads are supposed to do. I want to be a better husband this time around, I want to be there for you and I want you to be able to trust me. I want to be a better son and be there for all of you."

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