Chapter 10: Back to the Start

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(Liam's POV)

It killed me I couldn't stay at the hospital with Aspen, I wanted to be there for my daughter. I laid in my uncomfortable bed turning back and forth.

Harry: will you please tell the hospital I am family? I want to see Aspen.

Liam: funny, if you were family you wouldn't try to get with Maya. I'm not even at the hospital, couldn't miss curfew.

Harry: wow. How do you know about I tried to get with Maya? And I didn't try to get with her I asked her on a date.

Liam: whatever you did Harry, it's something family wouldn't do. And I don't want you anywhere near my family. Do you understand?

Harry: no I don't because while you were off doing only God knows what I was taking care of them! Night and day for goodness sakes Liam! I was their father figure! I was there when Tatem was born and when Aspen had her first day of pre-school, I was there for all of that. You weren't so don't you care tell me I can't go anywhere near them, I'm more family then you are.

(Maya's POV)

The next morning I woke up with the worst back pain ever from the chair I slept in. I looked over at Aspen but she was still sleeping. The nurse came in to explain the test and it made my anxiety flair up. "Are you going to be alright?" She asked me. "I have bad anxiety problems," I told her. "I can assure you that Aspen will be just fine," the nurse said with a smile.

"Mommy, where am I?" Aspen cried. The nurse stepped aside and I walked over to Aspen. "Honey, you had a seizure and it made you really sick." I explained to her. "Where is daddy!" She yelled. "He'll be here soon," I promised. Soon she was taken to have a CAT scan done on her brain, and I knew the wait would be the worst part.

Karen: Your mother is on the next plane, I figured you needed her more than anyone else.

Maya: thank you so much!! I owe you one! How is my Tater-bug doing?

Karen: she is doing well, I'll bring her up in a bit!

Maya: Thank you so much!

"She's in recovery," the nurse came and told me. I followed the nurse to the room Aspen was in and when I saw her tears filled my eyes. "See I told you she would be just fine," the nurse laughed. I laughed a little, "That you did, thank you." "She should wake up anytime now," the nurse said. I waited and waited for what seemed like forever. "Mommy?" Aspen whispered. "I'm right here sweetheart," I said in a soft tone. "Daddy here yet?" She asked me. "Almost," I assured her. "Almost."

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