Chapter 14: What Now?

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It's been a month since Liam moved back home, and it was been a heck of a change. The girls and I are still getting used to him being back and Tatem has taken her sweet time to get to know him. Aspen is on cloud 9 that her daddy is living with us.

Cara: Why didn't you tell you were coming home next weekend?!

Maya: Surprise!

Cara: how long will you guys be here?!

Maya: 2 weeks!!!

Cara: Perfect!

"Mommy!" Aspen cried. I looked up from my phone and saw Aspen with my red lipstick on. "Uhm,bug, what would you be doing?" I asked her trying to stay calm. "Trying to look like you!" She exclaimed. "Where is your father?" I asked her. "Feeding Tate," she says as she rocks on her feet.

"Let's go get you cleaned up," I offered as I got up from the couch. "Mommy?" Aspen sighed. "Yes bug?" I asked her. "Why are we going to Nebraska?" She asked me. "Mommy has to do some work at the store and grandma and grandpa want to see you," I told her. "Do they know Daddy is here?" She asked. She sounded worried. "Yes, bug they know," I assured her.

Later that itchy after the girls had gone to bed Liam and I decided to watch some Netflix. "I know I say it a lot, but I'm glad to be home with you and the girls," Liam told me. "I'm glad you are here too. Our family is complete again," I smiled as I cuddled up to him.

One Direction announces they are going on a break.

Fans mourn as they learn One Direction announces they are going on a break.

Does Liam's recent trip to rehab have anything to do with One Direction taking a break?

The news was all over by the next morning, I couldn't be even check my mail without getting harassed by the paparazzi. 

Maya and Liam are set to head back to Maya's hometown. What are they running from?

Simon comes forward and say One Direction is not over the guys just need some space and time with family.

Harry is spotted at the airport wonder  where he is flying off too.

The hashtag "Bring Back One Direction" is taking over the Internet.

I couldn't take it anymore I turned the TV off and went to pack for the trip. "Are you ready to go see everyone?" I asked Aspen. "I guess so, but I really want to go swimming!" She exclaimed.  "You can go swimming when we get to Grandma's house," I promised.

The plane ride seemed to last forever and Tatem hated every minute of it. My parents really didn't agree with Liam coming back to live with us so I am dreading to hear about that, and besides the anniversary of Jane's death is tomorrow, I hope I'm super busy tomorrow so I can miss that family dinner.

Maya: plane just landed.

Cara: yay! Just closed the store for the today, it was super busy!

Maya: that's great to hear!

Mother: Maya will you be around tomorrow?

Ugh! It has already started!

Maya: depends on what time it is.

Mother: around 3? Everyone is getting together to remember Jane. You do remember what tomorrow is right?

Maya: why yes mom I do, but I don't plan on attending due to our previous relationship.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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