If Looks Could Kill ch. 17

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 Hey peoples yes after 10 billion years i've uploaded, i hope you like it tho theres not too much action


            I heard that when you lose a sibling its much worse than when you lose anyone else. I could understand, I mean you grew up with this person. They almost know you inside out and you know they would do anything to protect you. Whoops…

As you’ve probably already guessed, the rest of the ride home wasn’t too comfortable. I mean after your brother pretty much disowns you, how are you supposed to react?  Then again I did almost eat him… But come on, if you were in my place you would have done the same thing, right? Don’t answer that please, I think my self-esteem has taken enough of a beating for one day thank you.

We got home late that night, around one or two a.m. we were all very tired. Jake ended up sleeping on the couch which bothered Shane to no end obviously. But like I said we were tired, too tired to argue about it though I’m pretty sure Shane tried to sleep with one eye open, you know, just in case the big scary wolves came to get him.

I almost ran to my room with delight, I was home, my space, my territory. Wolf was more than pleased to be home though slightly disappointed Jake had to sleep by himself. Gosh one day this girl would kill me. I changed into some comfy clothes and snuggled into my soft bed. My body ached from shifting into a wolf and then back within just a few hours. I was stressed out beyond compare and my brother hates me. I drifted off peacefully into a relaxing sleep. Today’s problems could wait ‘til tomorrow.

I dreamed of unicorns and rainbows and big angry wolves coming to get me.

I woke with a start breathing quickly and sweating slightly. I looked around and realized it was five-thirty in the morning, so much for getting a good rest. Sighing I slipped out of bed trying to be quiet because I know Jake would wake easy. I grabbed some clean clothes and a towel and tip-toed to the washroom. I turned the shower on, the hot water almost scalding my skin. I didn’t care it felt refreshing; I washed my hair enjoying the light scent of flowers, not the regular over scented stuff my nose can’t handle.

When I got of the shower my mirror was fogged up by the steam so I messily scooped my hair up and tied it in a bun. I brushed my teeth feeling better after my shower, my cold was definitely gone by now. Happily I went downstairs it was still early, only six but I decided to start making breakfast. Jake was sitting at the counter when I got to the kitchen, he looked dead.

“Morning,” I said cheerfully practically skipping to the counter.

“G’morning,” he mumbled back, “why you so happy?” His eyes were blood shot and his hair was ruffled and he was in need of a shower… desperately.

I shrugged and eyed him, “are you hungry?”

Jake nodded and looked slightly more alive at the idea of food. So I got on the job making scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast, I made extra for everyone else because I knew they would be getting up soon too. The sun was up and shining in the kitchen warming up, it looked like it was going to be a good day. I smiled to myself, why am I in such a good mood you ask? I have no idea but I definitely liked it.

We ate quickly so we could leave, Jake wanted to go home and I thought maybe Shane would feel a little better if the wolves weren’t in the house when he got up. I went back upstairs to grab my school bag and my keys but then realized that they were still confiscated; I went with Jake in his truck.

“How are you feeling?” Jake asked me as I put on my seatbelt.

I shrugged “I’m not sure. How about you?”

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