If Looks Could Kill ch. 10

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A few days later I was still getting used to being a... werewolf. There were so many things I had to learn, such as controlling my temper which I quickly learned gets out of hand easily. As the days passed I realized why I got angry easily. Another consciousness was present now, not a human. At first this freaked me out more than the transformation itself. After a while, however, it began to make sense. This other conscious was the wolf half of me, the part that made me turn into a wolf on full moons.

I learned that she didn't like anything that wasn't her species. Which meant humans disgusted her - look at me saying humans as if they were another species. And dogs? Ha! Those were evil little devils that you can't turn your back on. Zack's dog Daisy couldn't stand me and she's the sweetest animal I'd ever met. We couldn't stay at his house 'cause she tried to attack me.

"Haha one dog tries to get you and now they all want to" Zack joked weakly simultaneously pushing me out the door as fast as possible while his mom held Daisy back. She was practically foaming at the mouth.

I blocked out scents and loud sounds by concentrating on something else. That's not to say my hearing was back to normal I could hear girls whispering from across the class room as clearly as if they were talking the words aloud right next to me. The main thing was that I couldn't hear that stupid thumping noise, which I couldn't be more than grateful for. Scents were easier than sounds and I soon stopped gagging at the perfumes and sweat.

Jeff decided I should be introduced to the rest of the pack sooner and when Sunday came around there was a party too. I was in no mood to meet my "pack mates" whom I'm to consider brothers and sisters. Unless of course I suddenly grew feelings for my "brothers" then it was okay to date them.

What kind of stupid rule was that? Seriously am I the only seeing this whole situation as complete and utter disaster? I have to wonder how werewolves began. You know? Was it some kind of scientific mistake? Were werewolves being used in the secret service? I could see how they would help what with the good vision, sense of smell and hearing? They'd have human guard dogs!

You're a dog too now, I reminded myself.

I just reached the bottom of the stair case as the doorbell rang. I stared at it for a long minute. I already knew who it was; Brent. He had become my chauffer and teacher, informing of the temper issues and what not. The bell rang again.

"I'm coming!" I called wincing a little before swinging the door open.

Brent stood there in a button down shirt and pair of jeans, hair slicked back with gel. He shot me a grin "ready?"

"Skyler?" Mom said rounding the corner "you're going out tonight? You don't want-" her mouth fell open when she saw Brent standing there "...dinner?"

"Actually I'm going to eat out with some friends" I told her awkwardly before lifting my hand "this is Brent by the way. We're going to be late so I'll see you later Mom and I'll be back by uh...?" I looked at Brent pointedly.

"Oh um... is eleven okay? Or is that too late? Ten? Would that be better?" He stammered.

"Eleven it is!" I laughed pushing him out the door. Safely in the car I blew out a sigh of relief "oh God kill me now. When am I going to stop thinking of my mother as insect?"

Brent chuckled "I have no idea, both my parents are werewolves."

"So if you were born a werewolf does that mean you could turn into a wolf before you could even walk?" I asked, thinking that over for the first time.

"Yeah pretty much..." Brent nodded.

"Okay...?" I said.

"Seriously, you still find things surprising?" Brent asked.

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