If Looks Could Kill ch. 9

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I couldn't keep up with the others and I knew it. Jake and I fell behind quickly before completely loosing sight of the rest of them. He grumbled and complained but I grumbled and complained right back. I'd been through enough tonight; I didn't need him to tell me I was slow. Couldn't I have gotten someone nicer to babysit me like I don't know... Brent?

Suddenly Jake sprang forward and darted away. Panicking I chased after him to no use within seconds he was gone. I still chased anyway and made myself run faster. Obviously since I was still awkward on my feet I ended up face planting. My snout hit the ground first.

Pain shot up to my head and I was seeing stars for a minute. I proceeded to jump around whimpering at the pain in my nose. Real mature, I know. Once the pain had disappeared I looked around. Jake was definitely gone now, like no chance of me finding him gone. Great now what was going to do? Of course after my hopping around I didn't even know which direction he went in.

After a minute or two I realized I was kind of screwed. Seriously! What was I supposed to do now? Sit here and twiddle my thumbs and hope Jake decides to come back for me? Wait... I didn't even have thumbs! Guess I have to sit here, twiddle my non-existent thumbs and hope Jake comes back for me.

Yay! Sounds like fun.

Like he could hear me somehow Jake reappeared out of no where. Something was dangling from his mouth it was a - he turned away before I could see what it was. The scent wafted to me though and God that smelt good. My mouth began to water. I whined at Jake, share some?

He took off again! I growled and chased after him quickly. He wanted to be mean and not share? Well we'll see what happens when I don't share. A small voice told me Jake was only playing with me and that I should play back. I didn't want to play; I wanted to eat whatever Jake was keeping away from me. My feet flew faster than I'd ran all night.

Ha! I was thinking too hard about how to run instead of just letting my body do it for me.

He was so close now just a few steps ahead of me. This was it if I didn't jump now I'd miss my chance. Now or never. I pounced... Jake ducked and I went flying through the bushes. I rolled up on my feet, shaking myself off I glared at Jake. He grinned at me and tossed it, it landed at my feet. I dug in quickly before he changed his mind.

Hmm the juicy meat was so delicious and the blood added that extra zing to it. Blood!? I choked and spat out what was in my mouth. I looked down at what was in front of me. A rabbit. I just ate meat. I just ate an animal. I just ate a rabbit.

My stomach was churning, oh God!

I spent the next five minutes heaving up what little of the rabbit was in me and everything else I'd had during the day. I hadn't always been a vegetarian it was after Dad took me fishing and didn't the fish back into the water. I informed him that fish couldn't live out of the water wisely. He laughed at me and said "oh honey I know that already. We're not putting the fish back because we're going to eat it."

I threw up then too.

After Jake stopped laughing at me we went and found the others. They had caught a deer and we sharing it amongst themselves. I had a repeat performance when a saw the poor animal lying there staring at me with dead eyes.

Before long we were all curling up around each other and drifting of into dreamland. I wondered when we would change back and if the process was as painful. I hoped not.

I awoke to the feeling of a cool breeze on my bare body. I snuggled in closer to keep myself warm. Something had to be digging into my back of course! I shifter uncomfortably thinking it was probably my earphone my only regret for listening to music before going to sleep. It was no use, I reached underneath me... it was a stick. What the hell was a stick doing in my bed? Wait! Why was I sleeping naked?

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