If Looks Could Kill ch. 15

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So i kno the last chp was kind boring and slow and very short. im hoping this chapter will make up for it cuz i think this is one of my fav chp so far xD


Not long after we left the beach, everyone was exhausted from the long drive. We went to a motel that is only five minutes away from the beach. The place looked somewhat like a campground because of the wide open space but cottages lined the outer parts and all the way at then a row of fifteen rooms.

There was a small kitchen and living area in the front of the cottage. The back had two rooms and in the middle of the rooms a tiny washroom. There were three queen size beds. Problem was no one wanted Jake and me to share a bed. Raiden was to shy around Jake to share and Shane refused the idea before he was even asked. The only other option was for one us to take the couch. Problem two? Both of us wanted to be polite and give the other the bed. Jake and I argued over it for about ten minutes before Mom settled it by flipping a coin. I got the couch.

"Now be quiet" she sighed rubbing her forehead. I smiled smugly at Jake.

Most of the day passed by uneventfully because everyone was tired and didn't really want to do anything. Lunch passed with the sandwiches left over from yesterday. After we ate I wasn't all that tired anymore and decided to play a little soccer to get rid of some hyper-ness.

Raiden came out with me and the two of us played for about an hour or so before Shane and Jake joined us and we made teams. I couldn't help the smile, Shane was actually doing something with me that didn't include dirty looks. Raiden and I were on the same team at first but that left Jake and Shane on a team. It worked out at first but then my team started getting more points and the glares came into play as well. I decided to switch the teams around so that Shane and Raiden were on the same team.

Again this worked out for a while but then Shane's glares began to point at me. I ignored them for the most part. About twenty minutes later Mom and Dad decided to go out to get some supplies for dinner later on. Things got even rougher after that.

Finally I had had enough and yelled at Shane "I give up what do you want from me!"

He blinked at me dumbly.

I threw my hands up in the air and stalked to him "it's like you're a different person altogether. Ever since you came back you've been acting like I'm some disgusting disease so please fill me in. I'm not cheating on Zach, because we're not together. I didn't cheat on Zach before that because I love him. I am allowed to have guy friends who are just friends. So please tell if there is anything else bothering you."

"I changed?" Shane demanded "you're the one who's changed! You don't talk anymore unless you're spoken to. You stay cooped up in your room. Even the way you talk has changed I don't like it at all. This isn't who you are, it's like you're not even my sister anymore!"

My hands began to itch and I knew I had to either end this now or leave before I got too angry. Jake noticed this too and put a hand on my arm. "Careful" he murmured.

Shane's eye flashed to Jake "shut up this isn't any of your business."

Jake twitched and his hand flew up. Like in the hall way with Brent I moved so fast it took me a minute to realize how I got to wear I was. I ended up in front of Shane, taking the blow for him.

Instantly my anger pointed at Jake. The punch hadn't been very hard, it wouldn't have even left a bruise on Shane, and I didn't feel anything all. I said through my teeth "don't you EVER try to hurt him again."

Jake opened his mouth to reply but Shane cut him off with a punch of his own. I couldn't block this one because he did it behind me. Jake's head snapped to the side with the force, his nostrils flared but he didn't move.

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