If Looks Could Kill ch. 16

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I ran without really looking where I was going my only thought was that I'd almost killed someone. I'd almost killed my own brother, and why? Because I thought he could be danger to me. I was obviously the more dangerous one, maybe I wouldn't have killed him but one bite ensured the end of life as he knows it.

Guilt clouded my brain, I had to put an effort into just avoiding trees but I still bumped into a couple of them. Not to mention the fact that I still hadn't gotten the hang of running properly yet. I stumbled, slipped and slid my way; just trying to put as much distance between myself and them. The farther away I was the less danger I could be to them.

I'd seen the look on his face, the fear in his eyes. Fear of me, the little sister he tickled and chased around the house. Shielding himself for his life, shielding himself from me. Sharp pain shot throughout my body, how could he ever see me as his innocent little sister anymore?

Monster, that's the perfect name for me. Only monster attacked without reason, only monsters killed without thought. If Jake hadn't been there-

I ran into another tree cutting that thought off instantly. I paused a moment to shake my head and clear away the dizziness.

Footsteps followed behind me, quiet and measured. Jake must have changed into a wolf too because I could hear four feet, a sound of sniffing could be heard now and then as well. There was no point in running now, he was way faster than me - I'd learned that my first time - plus he could probably trace my scent to my exact location. He could have done that in his human form but that would take a lot longer, on account of the fact that our senses are dulled.

I huddled closer into myself trying to make myself as small as possible. When Jake peered through the bushes I shut my eyes quickly like a little kid playing hiding and seek. "If I can't see you then you can't see me!" I used to giggle when Shane was it and I was standing in plain view because I couldn't a spot to hide.

Jake didn't come any closer to me, instead he just laid down on his stomach. He rested his chin on his paw and waited. I tried to ignore him at first, just wallowing in my guilt and fear. I'd always be a monster, a dangerous animal who either ruined people's lives or ended them early. Like the monster that had bitten me and Jake and Elizabeth.

A whimper escaped my lips as I remembered that night. Everything had seemed so normal like Zach and I would be together forever. Then someone hit the fast forward button that led to a series of events I could barely remember except for a few painful moments. Hearing Zach scream my name, feeling the sudden weight on top of me, desperately trying to protect myself with my arms. Finally teeth sinking into my shoulder before I couldn't feel anything at all.

That was the scariest part. I'd fainted but it was like I was dreaming, the scene kept replaying over and over. At first I wondered if it was because I'd already died and I was just watching myself die over and over. Soon my thoughts had moved on to Zach, did the wolf get him too? Were we both dead? No, Zach couldn't die! And so on. Eventually I fell into a real sleep and then woke up in the hospital.

Now I was a monster just like the one that had ruined my life.

Eyes bore into me, I knew it was Jake yet I could shake the uneasy feeling I was getting from it. I peeked at him; he was still lying in the same position as before. I crawled over to him keeping my head low, shamefully snuggling beside him. He nuzzled my neck and nipped at my nose then rested his head on top of mine.

I closed my eyes pretending that he didn't think I was dangerous. For just now I would pretend like nothing had happened today. Pretend that Shane could still look at me without fear in his eyes. Pretend I wasn't a monster.

At one point I fell asleep, snoring softly to myself and breathing in Jake's scent. Despite my earlier thoughts I slept peacefully, undisturbed. But it was long before the events of the afternoon came rushing back along with the guilt shame and fear. I sat up with a start looking around.

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