If Looks Could Kill ch.8

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Yea I've noticed the length of my chapters have been decreasing i swear im not doing it on purpose but i just cant seem to write long enough anymore ill try my best to get them back up to 5 pages. anyways heres chapter 8 hope u like it xD


I looked at the clock on the dashboard it was almost eleven o' clock. I bit my lip to keep from asking questions, Shay was sitting shot gun and I was sitting behind Brent, Jake was next to me in the back seat.

"Jeff's going to be pissed..." Shay said in a sarcastic sing song voice.

"Well maybe if princess here didn't bite me" Jake grumbled.

"Leave her alone" Brent said quietly "it's not her fault."

"It doesn't matter who's fault it is we're all getting punished for being late" Shay sighed "I knew I should have rode with Micheal at least he doesn't put up with your crap."

"What about you?" Jake said "why don't you get your friggin' driver's license? We all know you want to go with Micheal 'cause you like him."

"Jake..." Brent said in warning.

"What? It's true!"

"I suggest you shut your mouth" Shay said "unless you want a chunk of you ripped out tonight."

"Try it sh-"

"JAKE!" Brent yelled "both of you just shut-up. We're all aggravated enough as it is so maybe you two can stop bickering for the next forty minutes so I can drive in peace."

It was quiet for a few seconds, uncomfortably silent. Well until Shay turned on the radio; she crossed her arms and stared out the window a lot like Jake was. I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

It really was a forty minute drive. At first I thought we were heading downtown but as we drove faster and faster I realized we heading away from the city. I became weary; the street lights weren't built on highways so it was eerily dark. Trees and bushes whipped past us and I noticed the occasional watch out for deer sign. Finally we got on to a service road and then an old dirt road.

I craned my neck trying to see ahead of us hoping to catch a glimpse of some civilization out here in the woods. I saw nothing... well for another five minutes or so that is.

A huge house suddenly appeared as we rounded a corner. I'm not one of those people who know about old European style houses or anything but I did know that this house was ancient. Not because it looked like it was falling apart or peeling paint in fact it look well taken care of. I doubted there was even a cob web on it. No, the house - I mean mansion - just had that ancient feeling to it.

Brent parked the car beside a row of other cars and looked at the time. 11:46 pm. "Well we aren't that late..."

"Jeff's gonna be pissed anyway." Huffed Shay.

"We can always blame it on princess here" Jake chuckled.

"I said leave her alone didn't I?" Brent spat.

I cringed it was weird seeing this side of Brent then again from the outside it looked like the whole group were the happiest people on earth. It just goes to show you can't judge a book by it's cover.

They all got out of the car and I followed quickly. I'd really rather not be carried again and possibly be jumped out a window either.

Shay was in the lead, Jake right behind her and Brent and I behind them. When she got to the door she didn't bother to knock or ring the bell. She turned the knob and let herself in, the rest of us trailing behind her.

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