If Looks Could Kill ch. 5

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Okaaay this is all of chapter 5 sorry it took so long to put it up. My family decided to go to Virginia Beach for the long weekend so i didnt get a chance to put this up.


"She's looking less stressed."

"Her temperature is dropping..."

"So she's getting better!?"

"We're not sure but I think she's past the worst of it. I'm sure she's going to be just fine."

"Hey I think she's waking up!"

I blinked hard; the lights were so bright (did I mention that before?). When my eyes adjusted to the room I looked around. I was in a room similar to the one I was in last week. Mom, Dad and Shane were standing in the room. Another person was there too. He was probably around thirty-five with brown hair and eyes. He had a normal height and a kind smile. He was familiar yet I was sure I'd never met him before. As my gaze travelled over his face I began to remember.

Yes, I'd seen him before; in fact I'd seen him before him many times. He was one of the doctors that were there in those few moments I wasn't hallucinating weird people turning into wolves.

"Hi there Skyler" the doctor said bringing my attention back to the present "how are you feeling?"

I opened my mouth to speak but the air mask was still on. I settled for making a "so-so" gesture with my hand... which was still slightly numb.

Someone let out a sob.

I looked, Mom held one hand to her mouth and the other held Dad's hand in an iron grip. Dad was holding on to her just as tightly. Shane plastered on a smile when my eyes found him. He looked just as tired as Mom and Dad did with strained faces. There were dark circles under their eyes making me think that I wasn't the only one who was having nightmares.

I twitched my hand trying to get Shane's attention so he would come closer since was practically out in the hall. After a brief hesitation he came in and took my hand. He held on gently and squeezed so softly you'd think I was as fragile as glass.

The doctor brought my attention back again.

"I'm Dr. Colins by the way..." he continued talking but I was hardly listening anymore. Well not listening to him anymore, for a second I could hear everything just like before. The machines, everyone's breathing and that thumping sound that was becoming all too familiar. I still blocked my mind from telling what was making that sound though.

However, just as fast as the sounds came they died down too bringing my normal hearing back.

I looked around again while the doctor continued to drone on about tests and other medical stuff no one in the room other than him understood.... Well maybe Mom. It was all a lie, at some point I'd decided I was going to die.

At first I'd refused to think of death as a possibility. The doctors where to going to make me better and that was that. Then things got worse and when I started dying in my dreams I realized death was an possibility. I was scared at first, of course I was, any sane person would be. But eventually I began to come to terms with it.

While my life might not have been long I'd never change any part of it. I got to hang out with my brother - I'd worked hard in school to get good grades. I loved my parents and knew they loved me just as much. And finally I'd fallen in love. Zach was my everything.

Love is taken so lightly these days - it's just a word everyone says. I had to wonder how many of those people actually understand what being 'in love' meant. Did they feel and ache every time their girl/boy friend wasn't around? Did they feel out of place when that someone was holding their hand? Could they stare into each other's eyes and know what the other was thinking? Would they protect the one they love... even if it caused them pain in the end? Then answer to all these questions should always be yes.

If Looks Could KillOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora