If Looks Could Kill ch. 11

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Elijah and Sharon, Brent's parents were the first ones to arrive after us. The three of them put together looked almost exactly alike. Sharon was a quiet woman who stayed very close to her husband almost as if she were afraid of something and only he could protect her. Elijah wasn't as timid as Sharon but he seemed to want to melt in the background hopefully unnoticed.

Jeff came out when they had showed up and greeted me saying how delighted he was that I'd come. Hadn't left me much room to say I really, really didn't want to be here.

Next came, Micheal and his parents, he shot me an encouraging smile as his father walked up to me. My eyes widened for a second before I composed expression - a fake expression that covered how I was feeling on the inside, which was panic at the moment. Micheal's father was huge! He could be a football player just like Micheal could which actually made a lot of sense. Not only did his height and bulk scare me but so did his inspective gaze.

Wolf whined in my head, uncomfortable with him.

A small woman put her hand on his forearm "William you're scaring the poor girl." She turned to me with a smile "I'm Kendi; it's nice to finally meet you Skyler."

"You too" I mumbled glancing at William to include him as well.

William was by far the scariest person I'd ever met.

Another "pack mate" arrived saving me from an awkward conversation. Well it was more three more pack mates. All three were guys with cute smiles and I have to say good looks too. Hmm, maybe this whole dating my brother thing wouldn't be so bad after all, I thought eying tall dark and handsome over there.

I mentally beat myself up for even thinking that. I was with Zach, I loved Zach. No one was ever going to replace him. Wolf grunted, she didn't like that idea much - to her Zach was only a human and I wasn't human anymore. Therefore being together was stupid. Despite her lack of interest in Zach she was fiercely protective over him, I guess she felt that way because of the way I felt about him.

Still she forced me to look at the guy who was approaching me. I put a smile on my face as he got closer.

"Hey" he greeted checking me out.


"So you're Skyler?"

I nodded awkwardly, "yep that's me and you are...?"


"Ah, well it's nice to meet you" I said dismissively. I craned my neck looking for Brent to save me.

The two other guys Dominic walked in with stepped forward, one had shaggy golden hair and a cute smile the other had black hair and sparkling eyes. Why do werewolves look hot?

Blond Boy said "I'm Ashton, nice to meet you Skyler."

I rolled my eyes that line was getting old, "yeah you too."

Sparkle Eyes was next "and I'm Ethan."

"Cool" I nodded. Wolf was picturing me with either Ashton or Ethan and I had to admit the picture was pretty cute. For a wolf she sure knew the human world pretty well.

We stood there uneasily for a bit - the door opened giving us all an excuse to leave.

Shay walked passed me with hardly a look, a man walked in behind her and if I thought William was scary well then this man was downright terrifying! His dark brown hair was cropped short, his black eyes menacing. He easily stood over six feet tall, he was wearing a black trench coat, black slacks and expensive black shoes. I was willing to bet anything he was also wearing a black dress shirt under the trench coat to too. All this wasn't very scary what was scary was the scar on his face.

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