Animal Testing - Wrong Or Right?

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Imagine a small rabbit in a forest; content to run, eat, and be happy with his family. But one day, the rabbit is snatched from his natural habitat and and brought against his will to a daunting place far, far away from home. Shaking with fright, he glances around to find himself in a laboratory for testing medicine for cancer patients.

This is a lab that tests on animals. But before he can even consider what will happen next, the bunny is snatched up by a scientist in rubber gloves and his fur is burned off painfully. Maybe he gets certain cosmetics and creams rubbed under his eyes that blind him for life, he might even get his head cut open so that they can test cancer medicines on his brain. And after the scientists have gotten what they need out of him, he is casually tossed into the wilderness as if he doesn’t matter. But the rabbit still lives, miserable and lonely with no fur, no family, and no joy.

That’s what animal testing does. Though there are many of inexpensive alternatives, cruel companies still choose to test on animals. Are you going to allow this to happen? Are you going to let animals suffer so that you can use your favorite shampoo? Take a stand and put a stop to brutality like animal testing today!!

--Helen V.

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