Haunted Hotel

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The tale of the Brown hotel is a haunted one. It supposedly all started when a very rich man called Mr. brown, owner of a hotel called The Brown, started to look for a wife. A poor woman next door heard about this and decided she would charm him into marrying her. Her name was Whitney. She wanted to settle down and to have his money. Sure enough, the rich man fell in love with Whitney and soon proposed. She agreed and they married. All of the people in the town knew she only married him for his money, but the rich man didn’t. one night, Whitney was tired and had gone to sleep. As Mr. Brown was cleaning up the bar he was talking to a customer. They brought up Whitney only marrying him for his money, and Mr. Brown realized it was true! He ran upstairs, grabbed a gun, and shot Whitney dead while she was asleep.

About 50 years later, Mr. Brown died. Two new owners, a couple, re-opened The Brown. They each had a room in the hotel. The wife’s room was the one Whitney was shot in. Let me explain something about Whitney’s ghost. She’s a trouble maker. She flickers lights on and off, slams doors open and closed, and she just terrifies you. One night after cleaning, the wife went up to her room to sleep. The night ended up being very long, and the woman’s husband forgot she was upstairs and went home. At around 3:00 a.m. , the woman awoke to her door slamming. She laughed, knowing the legend of Whitney but not believing it. It opened again, and then quickly slammed shut. “Mike!” she yelled. “Stop fooling around!” The door stopped slamming and she snuggled up under the covers. The lights started to flicker. On, off. On, off. She frowned and stormed out to the hall, trembling. She saw a grey, shadowy mass coming towards her from down stairs. It looked exactly like Mrs. Whitney. She screamed, and ran downstairs as she passed through the mass. She felt a cold chill and heard an icy cackle.

Now, the woman has divorced her husband. He owns the hotel, as she wants nothing to do with it. They say Whitney’s strongest area is her bedroom, and she can still be heard moaning.

--Amelia V.

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