The Real Santa

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Do you know the story of the real santa? There is more behind that puffy white beard and those rosy cheeks.

   The actual Santa was named Nicholas, and lived a long time ago in a place called Asia Minor, the modern day country of Turkey. His parents died when he was just a teenager. Nicholas’ parents left him a large amount of money, making him a very rich man. He went to live with his uncle, who was a priest. Here, Nicholas heard about a man who had lost his money. He had three daughters who were old enough for marriage. However,  if a woman didn't have money, she couldn’t get married.This family had so little money they had nothing left to eat. The daughters wouldn't be able to have families of their own, and would have to be sold as slaves. They would no longer be able to decide where they would live or what they would do.

  The night before the oldest daughter was to be sold to slavery, she washed her stockings,  put them in front of the fire to dry, and went to bed. In the morning the daughter saw a lump in her stocking. Reaching in, she found a small bag full of gold. There was enough to give food for the family and money for her dowry.The next morning, another bag full gold was found. Two of the daughters would now be saved.

The next night, the father stayed awake to find out who was helping his daughters. He dozed off, but he heard a noise as another bag landed in the room. Quickly, he jumped up and ran to the door. Then the man saw  Nicholas, the young man who lived with his uncle.

  Nicholas continued helping people, but did it secretly to keep from drawing attention. He always lended a hand to those  in need. People loved him. After he died, stories were told of the considerate and kind things Nicholas had done for everyone. Sailors took these stories of Nicholas everywhere they went. Some of the stories were about his special care for children; how he helped them when danger threatened. And many people learned about thoughtful, caring Nicholas. They wanted to be like him. He is a good example of how we should live. That is how Nicholas became a saint. Even to this day, people say that Santa is the friend of children

--Wes G.

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