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The warm sun was beating down and causing sweat to bead on the silver fur of Alia's back. She shook her head to clear the thoughts that clouded her mind. She had to get out of this place, danger was here. She had to get word out to the other pack. If only she could get to River Crossing before sundown. Then, and only then, would she be safe.

As she ran she became aware of the hard foot falls behind her. They got closer and closer until she could hear raspy wheezes of breath panting from the creature that pursued her. She had to get away.

The amulet bounced at her neck. "Why won’t you just break, or fall off!" she whispered in-between gasps.  She was so out of breath she wasn't sure she could continue. But it was unacceptable to just lie down and give in to death. She willed the pendant to snap, but she was  in the presence of a dark wolf. There was no chance of fleeing now.

It had been about an hour more of running, but River Crossing was in sight. The only problem was that the sun had raced right along with her and was almost to the point of setting.

Before she knew it she was a few bounds away from the river. It was swelling and surged with the life of fresh rainwater. She knew there was no way she could swim this roaring torrent of water.

As she dashed towards the crossing, she leaned forward and bunched her muscles. She would have to jump.

Before she had built up the mental preparedness needed for the necessary leap, she was a step from the rush. Her legs bunched under her and she left the ground. She felt teeth snap inches from her tail and knew she had lost the dark hound.

But there was still the problem of landing on the other side. If she didn't jump hard enough and landed in the raging stream, she would die. She wasn't enjoying a large percent chance of death. For if the river didn't kill her, she would be swept down stream to be found and murdered by the dark wolf.

That small chance of life was all she had to go on as she reached the climax of her spring.

--Avery D. (proluge to my novel you can veiw on my account @Lillywolf17 )

Issue TwoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt