Discussion Thread: Chapters 10-12

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Discussion and Q&A Guidelines

Please feel free to use this area to discuss and debate chapters 1-3. If you have any specific questions for the author, Garrett Calcaterra, please make sure to tag him in your question with his handle @gcalcaterra. He will make his best effort to respond to your tagged questions within the week. Otherwise, the author will not respond or "police" any of your comments. Just make sure to be civil, follow the Wattpad code of conduct, and have fun!

Author Notes

*Part of the fun—and a whole lot of the challenge—in writing a multiple viewpoint novel is setting up all the moving pieces early on so that they come together at the right time. (It's called "Plant and Payoff.") Here, in chapters 10-12, we see a couple of those pieces start to come together. I foresaw many of these connections when outlining the book, but a good number of them were worked out in the drafting phase, and these required adding new scenes earlier on in the book during the revision phase. For example, in the first draft of the manuscript, the turnip lady showed up out of the blue to rescue Caile and it seemed abrupt, not to mention overly convenient. To remedy this, I added scenes into the earlier chapters where Caile sees the woman and suspects she might even be following him. This makes the outcome in Chapter 11 much more purposeful and organic.

*There are several sections in the beginning of the book where the setting veers away from your typical medieval fantasy setting into an almost steampunk, on-the-cusp-of-industrial world. I'm not sure if this was a conscious effort on my part or more a result of my influences, but I definitely caught on to what I was doing early on. Once I realized the world was a blend of fantasy and steampunk, I knew I had to make an airship part of the story, and Chapter 12 is the first time we get to see it. We'll see plenty more of the ship throughout the rest of the book, and book 2, Souldrifter, has even more airships. You can never have too many airships!

DREAMWIELDER Book 1 of The Dreamwielder ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now