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Makarria sat huddled in the corner of the cramped cabin of the airship watching Taera. The princess lay silent and unmoving in the lower bunk bed along the back wall, as she had all night. She had not said a word or even made eye contact with Makarria. Makarria could not begin to understand what the princess was so upset about. She's not the one who had to leave her grandfather behind on a burning ship.

Apart from the two bunks, the only other pieces of furnishing in the cabin were a small round table and two stools that were secured to the floor. Makarria had been relegated to the corner where Siegbjorn had tossed her aside, but the uncomfortable quarters were all the better as far as she was concerned. There was no escaping now, and if Roanna was powerful enough to know about and even influence Taera's visions, then she would surely notice if Makarria began dreaming and accidentally used her power in her sleep. Better not to sleep at all, Makarria had surmised the night before when she regained consciousness and, indeed, she had done little more than doze off and on throughout the night, mindlessly twirling her hair and repeating over and over again in her mind the song her mother used to sing to her. Close your eyes, fall fast asleep. Rest your head, without a dream. When you wake, you will see, A bright new day for you and me. Whenever Makarria did doze off, the image of Pyrthin's Flame bathed in fire forced itself to the forefront of her mind, and she would wake again with the stinging memory that she had left her grandfather caught in those horrid flames. She refused to believe that he was dead though. He heard me yell, I just know it, she kept telling herself. He's fine.

It was morning now, and Roanna had left the cabin to check on Siegbjorn at the helm. Makarria considered getting up to talk to Taera, but she was afraid of speaking lest Roanna overheard them. Plus, Makarria didn't know that she had anything nice to say to Taera right now. Makarria knew it wasn't the princess's fault, but still Makarria had tried warning her back on the ship.

The door opened, letting a gust of cold air into the cabin and Roanna bustled back in, quickly closing the door behind her and rubbing her arms to ward off the chill.

"Are you awake and done pouting now, Princess?" Roanna asked.

Taera said nothing.

Roanna snorted and turned to Makarria. "How about you, whelp?"

"I'm awake."

"Well, keep quiet then and out of my way," Roanna said, sitting down at one of the stools. "And you, Princess, get up. It's time for the first of your lessons. We'll arrive at the caves tomorrow, and you must be prepared."

Taera pushed herself up slowly from her bunk. "Why did you have to burn the ship?" she asked.

"Because it was full of worthless peons," Roanna remarked, "and yet all it takes is one peon to see our airship and our guise is up. When the world finds out who you are, Princess, and what you are capable of, many people will be after you. Already the Emperor's agents sniffed out your presence. That is why your father tried to send you away. No, I think it's best that we keep your whereabouts hidden, and if that means killing a boat full of peons, so be it."

"One of those peons was my grandfather," Makarria said, unable to bite her tongue.

"And peons spawn more peons, so keep your mouth shut or I'll seal it shut for you," Roanna snapped.

"Leave her alone," Taera said. "She's just a girl. Why don't you go outside, Makarria. Get some fresh air."

"By all means," Roanna agreed. "Do us all a favor while you're out there and hurl yourself overboard properly this time."

DREAMWIELDER Book 1 of The Dreamwielder ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now