Chapter 25: WAR PLANS

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King Casstian's study bustled with people and a chorus of disconnected conversations. In one corner, Casstian's supply sergeant met with the Minister of Agriculture and the guild masters for the millers and butchers to begin procuring the food necessary to feed an army. In another corner, the Royal Armorer met with the guild masters of the smiths, fletchers, and ore miners to expedite the manufacturing of more weapons. Around the fire, Rufous and the other high ranking officers of the Pyrthin navy tallied the number of ships in port at their disposal—naval and merchant vessels, both—and discussed how they would structure the chain of command between the navy and the civilian captains. And around the desk, Casstian himself looked over a large map of the Five Kingdoms with his top advisors, including the archer Tharon, and Parmo.

"We will make Kylep our marshaling point and base for attack," Casstian said, pointing on the map to the city that sat at the northwestern juncture of the high road and the River Kylep. "Lepig would be better in some ways, perhaps, but folk there are of mixed loyalty, and the Emperor has a garrison with two-hundred cavalrymen. It would be a crippling blow if we could take the city from him, but we cannot hope to hold Lepig if the Emperor brings the entirety of his forces south from Col Sargoth. Kylep is better suited to that. It sits upon a high vantage point making it impossible to approach unnoticed, and it has outer walls which can be fortified. We can access it by both road and the river to begin sending supplies immediately."

"And what of Valaróz?" one of the advisors asked. "If they come by land through the badlands, they will cut off our supply lines between Kylep and Kal Pyrthin."

"We will send our advanced troops to Makady to begin fortifying the town against attack from Valaróz," Casstian said. "Prince Parmenios assures me that Valaróz will be disinclined to attack by that route, however, and I agree."

"Their strength lies in their navy," Parmo explained. "They will look to attack with their eastern fleet by sea and come at us through Kal Pyrthin Bay. If they get past the Pyrthin navy, they will lay siege to the city and send their ships up the river to attack Kylep."

"And capture us in a vice," the King added.

"How many men do you mean to leave behind to hold Kal Pyrthin?" another of the advisors asked.

"I mean to leave none behind but the city watch."

The advisors looked at the King incredulously, but Casstian did not balk.

"This is not the time for conservative tactics. We'll need every able-bodied person we can muster if we hope to stand against Sargoth. The fate of our city lies in the hands of our navy, and Prince Parmenios. He knows the tactics of the Valarion navy better than any and is familiar with the waters at the southern edge of the bay. I am putting him in charge of our naval force."

Parmo nodded as all their eyes turned upon him. His thoughts, as they did often, returned to Makarria. After freeing Casstian, he had asked the King to let him lead the search for the airship, but Casstian was convinced Taera and Makarria had been abducted by the Emperor. "The only way to get them back is to take Col Sargoth," he had said and so Parmo stayed. I don't know where Makarria is, he told himself for the hundredth time. This is all I can do to aid her: help defeat Guderian. He steeled his resolve again and spoke to the men gathered around Casstian.

"I will do all in my power to keep your city safe. At worst, we will keep the Valarion fleet floundering at the edge of the bay for months, but I mean to do more than that. Pyrthinia and Valaróz have always been allies, even during the Dreamwielder War, when all the other kingdoms were at war with one another. I mean to make them allies again. Just as you are all loyal Pyrthinians and have fought to free your king, so too are the Valarions loyal and proud of their kingdom. They have no love for the usurper Don Bricio, but they have had no one to unite and lead them. Until now. I will declare my rightful claim to the throne of Valaróz, and if Don Bricio has the courage to face me, I will cut him down."

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