Chapter 14- Seriously

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~Beca's POV~

Great, just great. I have my brother here not even two hours and he's punch one of my best friend's in the face. I'm going to kill him. 

"Seriously!?" I exclaim as I turn to Jake while the other's examine the damage he's caused to Glenn.

"You couldn' even last two hours before makin' yourself seem like a complete asshole!?" 

"He slapped your ass! I'm your big brother, you can't expect me to just stand by and let him disrespect you like that!" 

"Disrespect me, are you kiddin' me!? It's called banter, it's what friends do, they joke around!"

Two hours. Two hours and I'm already tired of him. He'll be lucky if they group let him stay, no doubt someone's going to make this into a big deal- make it seem like he's irrational, a liability. Ugh, I need some air, otherwise it'll be Jake with a fist in his face next. As I made my way out to the porch, I could sense someone behind me, it was obviously one of two people. Daryl or Shane, Daryl or Shane? 


"So, uh, your brother, he always like that?" 

"What, a douche that doesn't know how to take a joke? Yeah, pretty much" I lightly chuckled.  

"I wouldn't say he's a douche. I'd say that he's someone that looks out for his own, that's the kinda person we need round here, someone that can hold their own and won't just look out for number one"

"Yeah, well, I'm not too sure the rest of the group will see it that way. I mean, what if they all decided he's too reckless, too impulsive, what if they make him leave?" I began to question where my liabilities would lie if it came down to such a decision. 

"Beca, it's not going to get to that, I promise you, I'm not going to let it get to that" Shane said as he pulled me in for a hug and in that moment, Shane Walsh gave me everything I needed, reassurance and a hug. 

As Shane was getting up to leave I was about to stand up with him until Glenn came outside, presumably to talk to me rather than Shane. 

"I'll leave ya'll to it. Glenn, do yourself a favour and don't touch her ass" Shane said with a wink as he walked back indoors. Glenn sat beside me and there was a moment of silence.

"So ass slapping, not my best idea ever" Glenn paused

"To be honest, I'm glad Jake got to me first, all I got from him was a bloody nose, can you imagine what Daryl would've done- I mean, did you see the look on his face, anyone would've thought I'd killed you after the look he gave me!" 

"I just, I kinda wish everyone would stop babyin' me, you know? I mean once in a while it's nice when Daryl's over protective or if Jake treats me like his kid sister but they need to realise I can hold my own, I'm pretty capable of punchin' someone if they deserve to be punched" I sighed.

"They care about you, that's all"

"Well, so do you, so does Dale and Rick and Shane but you guys don' go attackin' people for no good reason just 'cause ya'll don' get the funny side of the situation"

"You sure about that last one?" Glenn questioned 

"Shane's not that bad, he's just misunderstood but I do understand, I get him" 

"If you say so" Glenn squeezed my shoulder before getting up. 

"You coming?" 

"Yeah, I'll be two minutes, jus need some time to myself before I get suffocated by people who 'care'" I rolled my eyes at the thought of even going back in there. I missed my me time. Before Daryl cared and Shane cared. I missed being alone.

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